I have a piece of equipment that spews out serial data. I need to capture
this data with a PDA's IrDA port. Half duplex only, machine to PDA.
Has anyone got info/circuit details preferably using a PIC, and hopefully
the software in PIC assembley code ?
The commercially available stuff is all too over the top, and pricey, and
besides I want to construct it so that it fits snuggley onto the PDA.
Thanks kind folks, hope you can assist!
I have a piece of equipment that spews out serial data. I need to capture
this data with a PDA's IrDA port. Half duplex only, machine to PDA.
Has anyone got info/circuit details preferably using a PIC, and hopefully
the software in PIC assembley code ?
The commercially available stuff is all too over the top, and pricey, and
besides I want to construct it so that it fits snuggley onto the PDA.
Thanks kind folks, hope you can assist!