RS232 no output to oscilloscope.



Dear All,
I am trying to scan RS232 output (TX) signal by an

When I short my RS232 output pin.2(TX) & pin.3(RX), it function work (
sometimes lost some words, at least it sent signals).

When I connect RS-232 TX to oscilloscope, connect oscilloscope ground
to pin.1(Earth ground) or pin.7(GND logical ground), oscilloscope both
never has signals. If I 'short' RS-232 pin.2(TX) and pin.3(RX), it


Thank you very much for your answer.

Best regards,
Boki. wrote in message news:<4163e336$0$175$>...
boki <> wrote:
Dear All,
I am trying to scan RS232 output (TX) signal by an

When I short my RS232 output pin.2(TX) & pin.3(RX), it function work (
sometimes lost some words, at least it sent signals).

When I connect RS-232 TX to oscilloscope, connect oscilloscope ground
to pin.1(Earth ground) or pin.7(GND logical ground), oscilloscope both
never has signals. If I 'short' RS-232 pin.2(TX) and pin.3(RX), it

Check that it works with another computer to make sure you haven't burned your
rs232 output.

Oscilloscope shield to pin.7
--""-- signal to pin.2 (try 3 aswell!)

Set 5 Volts/Div
Set sweep speed to approx 1 bit per Div. 9600 bps should be 100 us/Div.
1. It still work not burned-out yet. :)
2. Yes, I connect them as same as below:
Oscilloscope shield to pin.7
--""-- signal to pin.2 (try 3 aswell!)
3. I had set 3V 3.1V ... 5.8V 5.9V 6V, it still no response.

4. I only add a voltage by hand, and look the output difference(no

I guess, I am wrong at Step4, or the Appication (VB MSCOMM control)
only be trigger at a 'complete' byte not a bit...

Best regards,
Boki. (CBarn24050) wrote in message news:<>...
When I connect RS-232 TX to oscilloscope, connect oscilloscope ground
to pin.1(Earth ground) or pin.7(GND logical ground), oscilloscope both
never has signals. If I 'short' RS-232 pin.2(TX) and pin.3(RX), it

Try connecting your scope to the RX signal, If it sees anything then you have
your Tx Rx transposed, a common mistake, caused by using the wrong gender
Thank you very much for your reminding, but I think I am lucky to skip
this mistake already :) s wrote:
boki <> wrote:
Dear All,
I am trying to scan RS232 output (TX) signal by an

When I short my RS232 output pin.2(TX) & pin.3(RX), it function work (
sometimes lost some words, at least it sent signals).

When I connect RS-232 TX to oscilloscope, connect oscilloscope ground
to pin.1(Earth ground) or pin.7(GND logical ground), oscilloscope both
never has signals. If I 'short' RS-232 pin.2(TX) and pin.3(RX), it

Check that it works with another computer to make sure you haven't burned your
rs232 output.
Can't burn it out by shorting it!

-Steve Walz
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!! or

Oscilloscope shield to pin.7
--""-- signal to pin.2 (try 3 aswell!)

Set 5 Volts/Div
Set sweep speed to approx 1 bit per Div. 9600 bps should be 100 us/Div.

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