I've been coding a rs-232 rx/tx module. after some hardwork, it's all
working fine for timeing and everything (rx/tx) -- except one thing--
whenever I reprogram the FPGA, the first byte received always has 0x80
bigger than what was actually sent. everything works fine afterward.
I'm using comDebug.
I don't use flow control, and only RXD,TXD lines.
Any suggestion? Thanks.
I've been coding a rs-232 rx/tx module. after some hardwork, it's all
working fine for timeing and everything (rx/tx) -- except one thing--
whenever I reprogram the FPGA, the first byte received always has 0x80
bigger than what was actually sent. everything works fine afterward.
I'm using comDebug.
I don't use flow control, and only RXD,TXD lines.
Any suggestion? Thanks.