rotary swith

I have a rotary switch (mutli pole / multi positions). I want to
utilize 10 postions say A thru J. All 10 positions are input to my
FPGA. Based on this input..i want to generate different PRI signal.
i.e Input A PRI= 30us
B PRI = 35.8 us
C PRI = 45 us etc.
all PW are same (for this experiment atleast)
I have a clock and reset input.

My questions are:

1) I am going to use 10 line BCD to 4 line Decimal conversion for my
inputs. Do I need to add more logic for debouce??

2) When I change my input say from C to A using switch, I would like to
wait for a second (or some have some delay) and then gerate the PRI for
input A. How can I implement that?

Please help!


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