rotary encoder to serial count help




I'm trying to find a rotary encoder that will produce a count at a
serial port (rather then a pulse) on a PC to use as a variable in
Macromedia Director. The count will be coming from a hand wheel and
the pulses per rotation can be pretty course.

I have little / no experience of doing this but my research has
brought me to this company:

I have asked the sales reps which would be the best encoder for me but
they have only come forwards with questions I don't have the answer
to, or even understand. What I would like is just some guidance as to
which encoder would best suit my purpose, possibly from either this
company or somewhere else if there is a another place.

Unless afore someone has a better suggestion that is as contained I
refer you to my second paragraph.

It is part of an art project and as such I'm working on a budget but
if needs be I might be able to divert some money from other aspects of

I hope someone can help me.

Thanks in advance and best wishes.

"Allen" <> wrote in message

I'm trying to find a rotary encoder that will produce a count at a
serial port (rather then a pulse) on a PC to use as a variable in
Macromedia Director. The count will be coming from a hand wheel and
the pulses per rotation can be pretty course.

I have little / no experience of doing this but my research has
brought me to this company:
I have asked the sales reps which would be the best encoder for me but
they have only come forwards with questions I don't have the answer
to, or even understand. What I would like is just some guidance as to
which encoder would best suit my purpose, possibly from either this
company or somewhere else if there is a another place.

Unless afore someone has a better suggestion that is as contained I
refer you to my second paragraph.

It is part of an art project and as such I'm working on a budget but
if needs be I might be able to divert some money from other aspects of

I hope someone can help me.

Thanks in advance and best wishes.
Save your money.
Use a mouse!...
Mice have optical encoders allready built in, and processors to read the
quadrature data, and maintain a 'count'. Serial versions can be under $5.
Dismantle a serial mouse, and connect the encoder shaft from one channel to
your handwheel. The cost of even a basic encoder/processor to convert the
data will be many times what even a high quality mouse will cost.
If you want to go 'DIY', then code to make a PIC generate a count from an
incremental encoder, is on the MicroChip website, including demo
applications to make this behave as a mouse (I wonder why!...). Similar code
is available for other processors like the Atmel.

Best Wishes
"Allen" <> wrote in message

I'm trying to find a rotary encoder that will produce a count at a
serial port (rather then a pulse) on a PC to use as a variable in
Macromedia Director. The count will be coming from a hand wheel and
the pulses per rotation can be pretty course.

I have little / no experience of doing this but my research has
brought me to this company:
I have asked the sales reps which would be the best encoder for me but
they have only come forwards with questions I don't have the answer
to, or even understand. What I would like is just some guidance as to
which encoder would best suit my purpose, possibly from either this
company or somewhere else if there is a another place.

Unless afore someone has a better suggestion that is as contained I
refer you to my second paragraph.

It is part of an art project and as such I'm working on a budget but
if needs be I might be able to divert some money from other aspects of

I hope someone can help me.

Thanks in advance and best wishes.

You said the counts would need to come from a handwheel but not how many
counts. So here is a suggestion based on what givens there are here. I know
in the past I made an encoder out of a vane sensor or a proximity sensor
with appropriate slots cut into the wheel for optical and gear teeth perhaps
for the proximity switch. Using a sinking sensor (NPN) you should get an
output pulse equal in voltage to the sensor supply and equal in duration to
your handwheel speed and notching on the wheel.........hope this helps and
good luck on your project....Ross
On 10 Nov 2003 01:01:19 -0800, (Allen) wrote:


I'm trying to find a rotary encoder that will produce a count at a
serial port (rather then a pulse) on a PC to use as a variable in
Macromedia Director. The count will be coming from a hand wheel and
the pulses per rotation can be pretty course.
I've used the encoders and counters from US Digital
with success in the past, although I have no specific experience with
their encoder-to-RS232 products.

That said, look at for one
example that may do what you need. There are other, similar, devices
from their Products page.

Rich Webb Norfolk, VA

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