ROM instantiation question



Problems keeping instantiated ROM in Xilinx XST.

Say I have a rom named rom16x16. It consists of 16 - 16x1 ROM primitive
instantiations from the xilinx library.

How do I force xilinx to keep this ? The code is being combined
into only one ROM (even though I have "init'd" the ROMS to different

I tried using "keep heirarchy" under synthesis properties but that was a
no go. I'm at a loss as to what to do here. I do need the roms to be
separate (rather than a 64 byte rom) because I need to use them in
parallel for my particular application. Also, I took the basic rom16x16
and instantiated 4 components as rom16x16, rom16x16_2, rom16x16_3,
rom16x16_4, and I am also using them as "RAM" for now just for
simulation/rough design size purposes. I will stick in the actual 16x16
RAM units next. Spartan 3 is the chip architecture. Webpack XST 6.2 is
the sythesis engine.


code follows:

rom0: rom_16x16
port map(coef_rom0_out(15 downto 0), addr);
coef_rom0_out(17 downto 16) <= "00";

ram0: rom_16x16
port map(coef_ram0_out(15 downto 0), addr);
coef_ram0_out(17 downto 16) <= "00";

rom1: rom_16x16_2
port map(coef_rom1_out(15 downto 0), addr);
coef_rom1_out(17 downto 16) <= "00";

ram1: rom_16x16_2
port map(coef_ram1_out(15 downto 0), addr);
coef_ram0_out(17 downto 16) <= "00";

rom2: rom_16x16_3
port map(coef_rom2_out(15 downto 0), addr);
coef_rom2_out(17 downto 16) <= "00";

ram2: rom_16x16_3
port map(coef_ram2_out(15 downto 0), addr);
coef_ram2_out(17 downto 16) <= "00";

rom3: rom_16x16_4
port map(coef_rom3_out(15 downto 0), addr);
coef_rom3_out(17 downto 16) <= "00";

ram3: rom_16x16_4
port map(coef_ram3_out(15 downto 0), addr);
coef_ram3_out(17 downto 16) <= "00";

the 16x16 rom is as follows:

library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;

entity rom_16x16 is
port (o: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
a: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0));
end rom_16x16;

architecture xilinx of rom_16x16 is

component rom_16x1
generic (init_val: string := "0000");
port (O : out std_logic;
A3, A2, A1, A0 : in std_logic);
end component;

U0: rom16x1 generic map(x"14")
port map (O => o(0), A0 => a(0), A1 => a(1), A2 => a(2), A3 => a(3) );

U1: rom16x1 generic map(x"D")
port map (O => o(1), A0 => a(0), A1 => a(1), A2 => a(2), A3 => a(3) );

U2: rom16x1 generic map(x"1C")
port map (O => o(2), A0 => a(0), A1 => a(1), A2 => a(2), A3 => a(3) );

U3: rom16x1 generic map(x"4")
port map (O => o(3), A0 => a(0), A1 => a(1), A2 => a(2), A3 => a(3) );

U4: rom16x1 generic map(x"17")
port map (O => o(4), A0 => a(0), A1 => a(1), A2 => a(2), A3 => a(3) );

U5: rom16x1 generic map(x"0")
port map (O => o(5), A0 => a(0), A1 => a(1), A2 => a(2), A3 => a(3) );

U6: rom16x1 generic map(x"0")
port map (O => o(6), A0 => a(0), A1 => a(1), A2 => a(2), A3 => a(3) );

U7: rom16x1 generic map(x"0")
port map (O => o(7), A0 => a(0), A1 => a(1), A2 => a(2), A3 => a(3) );

U8: rom16x1 generic map(x"0")
port map (O => o(8), A0 => a(0), A1 => a(1), A2 => a(2), A3 => a(3) );

U9: rom16x1 generic map(x"0")
port map (O => o(9), A0 => a(0), A1 => a(1), A2 => a(2), A3 => a(3) );

U10: rom16x1 generic map(x"0")
port map (O => o(10), A0 => a(0), A1 => a(1), A2 => a(2), A3 => a(3) );

U11: rom16x1 generic map(x"0")
port map (O => o(11), A0 => a(0), A1 => a(1), A2 => a(2), A3 => a(3) );

U12: rom16x1 generic map(x"0")
port map (O => o(12), A0 => a(0), A1 => a(1), A2 => a(2), A3 => a(3) );

U13: rom16x1 generic map(x"0")
port map (O => o(13), A0 => a(0), A1 => a(1), A2 => a(2), A3 => a(3) );

U14: rom16x1 generic map(x"0")
port map (O => o(14), A0 => a(0), A1 => a(1), A2 => a(2), A3 => a(3) );

U15: rom16x1 generic map(x"0")
port map (O => o(15), A0 => a(0), A1 => a(1), A2 => a(2), A3 => a(3) );

end xilinx;
D wrote:
Problems keeping instantiated ROM in Xilinx XST.

Say I have a rom named rom16x16. It consists of 16 - 16x1 ROM primitive
instantiations from the xilinx library.

How do I force xilinx to keep this ? The code is being combined
into only one ROM (even though I have "init'd" the ROMS to different

I tried using "keep heirarchy" under synthesis properties but that was a
no go. I'm at a loss as to what to do here. I do need the roms to be
separate (rather than a 64 byte rom) because I need to use them in
parallel for my particular application. Also, I took the basic rom16x16
and instantiated 4 components as rom16x16, rom16x16_2, rom16x16_3,
rom16x16_4, and I am also using them as "RAM" for now just for
simulation/rough design size purposes. I will stick in the actual 16x16
RAM units next. Spartan 3 is the chip architecture. Webpack XST 6.2 is
the sythesis engine.
My guess at fixing this would be to either remove the ROM16X1 component
declaration or you can add the attribute:

attribute BOX_TYPE of
ROM16X1 : component is "PRIMITIVE";

Better for you to just remove and not use the component declaration as
it is not necessary and if you mis-declare it, can cause it not to work
properly. The component declaration you have does mis-declare a ROM16X1
as the generic should be a bit_vector and named INIT not init_val bu the
fact you named it rom_16x1 rather than rom16x1 means that that
declaration is meaningless any ways.

Also, the INIT attribute needs to be a 4-digit hex value (16-bits) not
2-digit (8-bits). I also suggest simulating this as it might help you
localize the problem better if these suggestions do not work.

-- Brian
On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 10:09:31 -0600, Brian Philofsky wrote:

D wrote:
[quoted text muted]

My guess at fixing this would be to either remove the ROM16X1 component
declaration or you can add the attribute:

attribute BOX_TYPE of
ROM16X1 : component is "PRIMITIVE";

Better for you to just remove and not use the component declaration as
it is not necessary and if you mis-declare it, can cause it not to work
properly. The component declaration you have does mis-declare a ROM16X1
as the generic should be a bit_vector and named INIT not init_val bu the
fact you named it rom_16x1 rather than rom16x1 means that that
declaration is meaningless any ways.

Also, the INIT attribute needs to be a 4-digit hex value (16-bits) not
2-digit (8-bits). I also suggest simulating this as it might help you
localize the problem better if these suggestions do not work.

-- Brian

Thanks for your response Brian, I eventually found out that it wasn't an
actual problem with the ROM (you were completely right about the component
declaration, a good on my part, but as you mentioned the primitive didn't
actually needed to be included because I already had the unisim
declaration). The problem was in the fact that in the higher level
heirarchy instantiation, I had used a c++ program to generate some of the
code and mistakenly kept pointing the output of the ROM's to the same
output (signal) name, so they all got collapsed into one by the tools.
Live and learn. It's been a while for me. And I had seen the BOX_TYPE
attribute before, a long time ago. Probably in the xilinx answer database
:) . Anyway thanks again.


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