I recall working at a company making high precision
manufacturing equipment, for semiconductor fabs.
At one meeting, an engineer announced he wanted to
design a custom motor, for a particular project.
I wasn\'t involved in that, don\'t know the specs. But I
wondered, and still wonder, what would be the requirement
for a custom design? From a system perspective, my
view of \'motor design\' is thumbing through vendors\'
manuals. There are thousands of models available, of
every form factor and power level.
Why would you need to roll your own?
manufacturing equipment, for semiconductor fabs.
At one meeting, an engineer announced he wanted to
design a custom motor, for a particular project.
I wasn\'t involved in that, don\'t know the specs. But I
wondered, and still wonder, what would be the requirement
for a custom design? From a system perspective, my
view of \'motor design\' is thumbing through vendors\'
manuals. There are thousands of models available, of
every form factor and power level.
Why would you need to roll your own?