Took a heavy bash , cracked pcb in area of effects control pot, which
must have been bashed. Obvious crack at an opamp, open circuiting
analogue ins and outs. I find it difficult to believe , that only, would
give the symptoms observed, whether powered up or not at the time.
No sound output , no midi control from external feed, no switch panel
response and just showing semi-random flashing of "r" of 2 segments in
one display
must have been bashed. Obvious crack at an opamp, open circuiting
analogue ins and outs. I find it difficult to believe , that only, would
give the symptoms observed, whether powered up or not at the time.
No sound output , no midi control from external feed, no switch panel
response and just showing semi-random flashing of "r" of 2 segments in
one display