I'm probably wasting my time on this one but if anyone has some insight
I will sold(i)er on.
ucontroller responds to function changes correctly but audio output stays at
bypass. That u sends data that varies on function change to pin 63 of a Boss
proprietary 80 pinner. AK5353VT ADC sends data to pin 68. There is data flow
to the RAM but otherwise nothing comes out. The AK4352VT DAC is ready to
receive but nothing there. This main Boss chip runs warmer than should and
more than the 55mA consumption , in specs .
I will sold(i)er on.
ucontroller responds to function changes correctly but audio output stays at
bypass. That u sends data that varies on function change to pin 63 of a Boss
proprietary 80 pinner. AK5353VT ADC sends data to pin 68. There is data flow
to the RAM but otherwise nothing comes out. The AK4352VT DAC is ready to
receive but nothing there. This main Boss chip runs warmer than should and
more than the 55mA consumption , in specs .