Rocker Switches


Darren Harris

Can anyone tell me a source for rocker switches?

My lighted rocker switch somehow broke off of my 500 watt step-up
converter. As a result I cannot turn it on, and my printer(HP 2100TN),
which runs on 220V, needs it to work.

The problem is that I can find rocker switches, but not one that will
fit in the hole on the converter(which is 3/4" x 15/16").

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks a lot.

Darren Harris
Staten Island, New York.
Darren Harris wrote:
Can anyone tell me a source for rocker switches?

My lighted rocker switch somehow broke off of my 500 watt step-up
converter. As a result I cannot turn it on, and my printer(HP 2100TN),
which runs on 220V, needs it to work.

The problem is that I can find rocker switches, but not one that will
fit in the hole on the converter(which is 3/4" x 15/16").

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
Make the hole bigger.

John Popelish
John Popelish <> wrote in message news:<>...
Darren Harris wrote:

Can anyone tell me a source for rocker switches?

My lighted rocker switch somehow broke off of my 500 watt step-up
converter. As a result I cannot turn it on, and my printer(HP 2100TN),
which runs on 220V, needs it to work.

The problem is that I can find rocker switches, but not one that will
fit in the hole on the converter(which is 3/4" x 15/16").

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Make the hole bigger.
That is not an option.


Darren Harris
Staten Island, New York.
"Darren Harris" <> wrote in message
John Popelish <> wrote in message
Darren Harris wrote:

Can anyone tell me a source for rocker switches?

My lighted rocker switch somehow broke off of my 500 watt step-up
converter. As a result I cannot turn it on, and my printer(HP 2100TN),
which runs on 220V, needs it to work.

The problem is that I can find rocker switches, but not one that will
fit in the hole on the converter(which is 3/4" x 15/16").

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Make the hole bigger.

That is not an option.
- Make a new hole somewhere else.
- Short the switch connections and add a new switch to the
line cord.
- Write the manufacturer.
Darren Harris wrote:
John Popelish <> wrote in message news:<>...
Darren Harris wrote:

Can anyone tell me a source for rocker switches?

My lighted rocker switch somehow broke off of my 500 watt step-up
converter. As a result I cannot turn it on, and my printer(HP 2100TN),
which runs on 220V, needs it to work.

The problem is that I can find rocker switches, but not one that will
fit in the hole on the converter(which is 3/4" x 15/16").

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Make the hole bigger.

That is not an option.

So fit a smaller one on a plate to hold it. Use aluminium plate if the
original case is metal and something like fibreglass or tufnol or ABS
plastic if it isnt. Best scewed in place with some small self tappers but
you could epoxy it.

If that doesnt appeal to you, as its a lighted switch, it must be two pole
almost certainly single throw and you've lost all the guts out of it.
Solder two stubs o wire to bypass it, clean out all the grease, wash with
solvent and pour in epoxy to insuate the front of it then plug in to the
wall and switch on at the wall.

If you still cant or dont want to get it going get out your check book
and replace the whole converter.

ianm[at]the[dash]malcolms[dot]freeserve[dot]co[dot]uk [at]=@, [dash]=- &
*Warning* SPAM TRAP set in header, Use email address in sig. if you must.
The little "box" that the switch came out of is a hard plastic. At the
left side, there are two little contacts. One above the other.

Are you saying that a lead should be soldered from one contact to the
other, and then some sort of epoxy is to be put into the hole where
the switch was?

What gauge wire do I use?

What kind of epoxy do I use?


Darren Harris
Staten Island, New York.


So fit a smaller one on a plate to hold it. Use aluminium plate if the
original case is metal and something like fibreglass or tufnol or ABS
plastic if it isnt. Best scewed in place with some small self tappers but
you could epoxy it.

If that doesnt appeal to you, as its a lighted switch, it must be two pole
almost certainly single throw and you've lost all the guts out of it.
Solder two stubs o wire to bypass it, clean out all the grease, wash with
solvent and pour in epoxy to insuate the front of it then plug in to the
wall and switch on at the wall.

If you still cant or dont want to get it going get out your check book
and replace the whole converter.
Darren Harris wrote:
The little "box" that the switch came out of is a hard plastic. At the
left side, there are two little contacts. One above the other.
I suspect that you are confusing the rocker from the switch with the whole
That little box is the switch, minus its rocker.

Are you saying that a lead should be soldered from one contact to the
other, and then some sort of epoxy is to be put into the hole where
the switch was?
No, you'd need to remove it, solder the wires to its terminals behind it
and then put it back. You'd have to match the terminals in pairs
correctly or *BANG* !FLASH! and the lights go out. Anyway I expected it to
have 4 terminals (as is usual in a mains switch illuminated by a neon), If
its only got two, I dont see how it could illuminate and if neither of us
understand how it works dont mess with it.
What gauge wire do I use?
Same as whats connected to it allready.

What kind of epoxy do I use?

If that doesnt appeal to you, as its a lighted switch, it must be two pole
almost certainly single throw and you've lost all the guts out of it.
Solder two stubs o wire to bypass it, clean out all the grease, wash with
solvent and pour in epoxy to insuate the front of it then plug in to the
wall and switch on at the wall.
I strongly reccomend the last option or find an appliance repair shop.
If you still cant or dont want to get it going get out your check book
and replace the whole converter.

ianm[at]the[dash]malcolms[dot]freeserve[dot]co[dot]uk [at]=@, [dash]=- &
*Warning* SPAM TRAP set in header, Use email address in sig. if you must.
Since this has gotten so complicated thanks to my inability to find
the correct switch, it looks as though I will have to try to find an
appliance repair place.

Thanks a lot.

Darren Harris
Staten ISland, New York.

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