Technology Robotix Society invites all robot enthusiasts t
ROBOTiX is Asia's largest college level robotics fest held in II
Kharagpur during its mega techno management fest Kshitij from 28th-31s
Jan 2010
This years event challenges participants, from colleges all around th
world, with 7 intriguing events
8MileX- India's first outdoor, image processing robotics event
Participants will compete to build a robot that is able to navigate
street and perform a series of driving maneuvers
Inspired from the famous DARPA challenge, a sequel to the last yearâs event 8Mile, 8 MileX calls upon roboteers to design, build and code a bot which can navigate the road autonomously following certain traffic rules like basic lane following, lane changing, traffic light obedience and U turns
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Posted at: http://ForumBreak.com
ROBOTiX is Asia's largest college level robotics fest held in II
Kharagpur during its mega techno management fest Kshitij from 28th-31s
Jan 2010
This years event challenges participants, from colleges all around th
world, with 7 intriguing events
8MileX- India's first outdoor, image processing robotics event
Participants will compete to build a robot that is able to navigate
street and perform a series of driving maneuvers
Inspired from the famous DARPA challenge, a sequel to the last yearâs event 8Mile, 8 MileX calls upon roboteers to design, build and code a bot which can navigate the road autonomously following certain traffic rules like basic lane following, lane changing, traffic light obedience and U turns
Have a doubt? Post it on our foru
Don't know where to start? Read our comprehensive tutoria
Ready to take the plunge? Register
Posted at: http://ForumBreak.com