Carl Banks
Ok, here's my situation:
I have this project where I would like to do some remote sensing of
16-20 analog inputs, about ten samples per second, and receive it in
real time on my PC. Don't need much precision; 8 bits is plenty.
Range is less than 30 feet.
After reading up a bit, I'm thinking the most straightforward way is
to use some microcontroller with a digital RF transmitter, say for
example the rfPIC12C509AF, and an ADC to collect and transmit data
cyclically to a reciever connected to my PC.
It's the receiver I'm wondering about. I kind of expected this to be
a rather typical use for a transmitter (send telemetry to your
computer), so I kind of expected to see some receievers that I could
connect to a PC, say via a serial port, obviating the need to build
one myself. But I can't find any.
So, can anyone point me to something that does what I need? More
generally, does this sound like a good strategy? I'm open to
In case I've successfully managed to hide the fact that I haven't done
anything like this before, I'd like to keep it straightforward. I
have to order all this stuff from scratch. I do know the equations
very well, but I have hardly any experience actually wiring stuff
Thank you for any help,
I have this project where I would like to do some remote sensing of
16-20 analog inputs, about ten samples per second, and receive it in
real time on my PC. Don't need much precision; 8 bits is plenty.
Range is less than 30 feet.
After reading up a bit, I'm thinking the most straightforward way is
to use some microcontroller with a digital RF transmitter, say for
example the rfPIC12C509AF, and an ADC to collect and transmit data
cyclically to a reciever connected to my PC.
It's the receiver I'm wondering about. I kind of expected this to be
a rather typical use for a transmitter (send telemetry to your
computer), so I kind of expected to see some receievers that I could
connect to a PC, say via a serial port, obviating the need to build
one myself. But I can't find any.
So, can anyone point me to something that does what I need? More
generally, does this sound like a good strategy? I'm open to
In case I've successfully managed to hide the fact that I haven't done
anything like this before, I'd like to keep it straightforward. I
have to order all this stuff from scratch. I do know the equations
very well, but I have hardly any experience actually wiring stuff
Thank you for any help,