I have a parallel driver in verilog generate by a wizard tool in
Quartus II.
So i must reverse the 16 first bits in the parallel port (because the
16 first bits correspond to a data bus and it is inverted)
Here is the code: http://pastebin.com/f196e46c9
I tried a lot of changes, but without result.
I am bad in verilog and VHDL barely better, so I ask your help.
(ps: sorry for my english but I'm french.)
I have a parallel driver in verilog generate by a wizard tool in
Quartus II.
So i must reverse the 16 first bits in the parallel port (because the
16 first bits correspond to a data bus and it is inverted)
Here is the code: http://pastebin.com/f196e46c9
I tried a lot of changes, but without result.
I am bad in verilog and VHDL barely better, so I ask your help.
(ps: sorry for my english but I'm french.)