Brian Aase
I'd like to collect enough equipment to fashion together a return loss
test set suitable for measuring such things as CATV amplifiers and
splitters, as well as little RF-centric home projects. The H/P 141T
spectrum analyzer system seems readily available and affordable, but
there is no "catalog" or other guidebook of the various modules and
options any more. (Yes, I know that I could search out an older HP
catalog, and likely will.) But in the meantime, could someone possibly
suggest the most likely combination of modules that would do the job I
Also I need a recommendation for a suitable companion RF generator.
(The 141T has no tracking generator, right?) And finally, will I need
some sort of external bridge/detector unit, or do the 141T modules
have that functionality already built in?
Suggestions from those famailiar with such a setup would be very much
appreciated -- TIA
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<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>
test set suitable for measuring such things as CATV amplifiers and
splitters, as well as little RF-centric home projects. The H/P 141T
spectrum analyzer system seems readily available and affordable, but
there is no "catalog" or other guidebook of the various modules and
options any more. (Yes, I know that I could search out an older HP
catalog, and likely will.) But in the meantime, could someone possibly
suggest the most likely combination of modules that would do the job I
Also I need a recommendation for a suitable companion RF generator.
(The 141T has no tracking generator, right?) And finally, will I need
some sort of external bridge/detector unit, or do the 141T modules
have that functionality already built in?
Suggestions from those famailiar with such a setup would be very much
appreciated -- TIA
Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>