Lets say I have this small test design comprising of 15 transistors.
Lets not worry about its functionality (i.e. how the transistors are
connected). The circuit does something.
Now, I want to place and route this circuit/netlist. Lets say I use
Encounter for this (I don't know how to, but I will do it). So now
this design is placed and routed.
After this, shouldn't I be able to retrieve the following set of
information for every transistor:
placed design for the next thing in my project.
What tool can do this? Or if not a tool, how can I extract this info
from which file after placement has been performed?
Please assume I know nothing (which is sort of true).
Lets say I have this small test design comprising of 15 transistors.
Lets not worry about its functionality (i.e. how the transistors are
connected). The circuit does something.
Now, I want to place and route this circuit/netlist. Lets say I use
Encounter for this (I don't know how to, but I will do it). So now
this design is placed and routed.
After this, shouldn't I be able to retrieve the following set of
information for every transistor:
I need these two pieces of information for every transistor in alocation on chip (x,y) with respect to 0,0 (lets say lower left corner of entire chip area)
its type (p or n)
placed design for the next thing in my project.
What tool can do this? Or if not a tool, how can I extract this info
from which file after placement has been performed?
Please assume I know nothing (which is sort of true).