I wired a 24VAC transformer to my Air Conditioner to lower the
incoming line voltage to 220 from ~250 VAC.
The old AC was pulling 2100+ watts worst-case and went to 1700, with
the added transformer.
Other observations:
It uses ~1500 in the mornings when the differential between inside and
out is close (all readings with the compressor running).
During the day when the power was up at 1700, I turned the circulation
fan up to \"high,\" and the power dropped to 1550.
That may be more efficient all-around, but I\'ll have to watch it for a
bit longer to see. My gut says it is more efficient to just keep the
fan on \"high,\" but it would be child\'s play to rewire the circulation
fan so it runs fast when the compressor switches on. That way the
filters will stay cleaner longer and also contribute to higher
efficiency, while still circulating the air enough to monitor the air
The AC is an old window unit that was broken when I got it - I found
the control board inside with water damage, so gutted the logic out
leaving the power supply and relays, then bought a Chinese \"universal\"
AC control board to provide the thermostat, fan control, remote, and
compressor delay.
incoming line voltage to 220 from ~250 VAC.
The old AC was pulling 2100+ watts worst-case and went to 1700, with
the added transformer.
Other observations:
It uses ~1500 in the mornings when the differential between inside and
out is close (all readings with the compressor running).
During the day when the power was up at 1700, I turned the circulation
fan up to \"high,\" and the power dropped to 1550.
That may be more efficient all-around, but I\'ll have to watch it for a
bit longer to see. My gut says it is more efficient to just keep the
fan on \"high,\" but it would be child\'s play to rewire the circulation
fan so it runs fast when the compressor switches on. That way the
filters will stay cleaner longer and also contribute to higher
efficiency, while still circulating the air enough to monitor the air
The AC is an old window unit that was broken when I got it - I found
the control board inside with water damage, so gutted the logic out
leaving the power supply and relays, then bought a Chinese \"universal\"
AC control board to provide the thermostat, fan control, remote, and
compressor delay.