I have made my own type and defined a signal of my tipe:
type my_type is (zero, first, sec, third, fourth);
SIGNAL floor : my_type;
and when I Save and check..., I get the message that says:
floor is multiply driven (or smthn like that).
What does it mean?
I tried writing
SIGNAL floor : resolved my_type;
but than says "can't find resolver smthn...".
What should I do? Please help!
Thank you.
type my_type is (zero, first, sec, third, fourth);
SIGNAL floor : my_type;
and when I Save and check..., I get the message that says:
floor is multiply driven (or smthn like that).
What does it mean?
I tried writing
SIGNAL floor : resolved my_type;
but than says "can't find resolver smthn...".
What should I do? Please help!
Thank you.