Resistor help!!!




Just want to know if it makes a difference which way of the resistor I
solder it in? I mean.. is there a particular direction or can a resistor
be plugged in from any direction? (what is the "tol%" side attached to?
Vcc? or can it be attached in any way?) thanks

Rick wrote:


Just want to know if it makes a difference which way of the resistor I
solder it in? I mean.. is there a particular direction or can a resistor
be plugged in from any direction? (what is the "tol%" side attached to?
Vcc? or can it be attached in any way?) thanks

Resistors have no polarity - they can be put in either direction.


It was a trojan now it was identified that it was that machine the trojan
was not identified but it was identified as being that machine.
-- Jamie the spammer, 10/29/2003
Oh, and I still have connectivity.
Rick(rrquick@nospam-com) slammed into the keyboard with a 100-lbs hammer:

Just want to know if it makes a difference which way of the resistor I
solder it in? I mean.. is there a particular direction or can a resistor
be plugged in from any direction? (what is the "tol%" side attached to?
Vcc? or can it be attached in any way?) thanks
In any way, as resistors don't have polarity.

"Software crash course" - Target 3001!
'It's written in The Book of Usenet:' Chaos MasterŽ - Posting from Porto Alegre
- Brazil. - remove the taco-bell to
reply! E-mail address at the headers works for TEXT E-MAILS ONLY!!
If you want a board to look neater, you can make the resistors face a
certain direction (tolerance bands all the same way), but as everyone has
said electrically it does not make a difference. It's is just cosmetics and
up to you if you want to put the effort into it.

-Commander Dave

"Russell Miller" <> wrote:
Resistors have no polarity - they can be put in either direction.

Commander Dave wrote:
If you want a board to look neater, you can make the resistors face a
certain direction (tolerance bands all the same way), but as everyone has
said electrically it does not make a difference. It's is just cosmetics and
up to you if you want to put the effort into it.

-Commander Dave
There is an advantage in pointing them all towards one corner. You
can quickly check the values to compare a board to the proper layout
without mentally or physically turning the board to check the color
22 days!

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
Yes, however in manufactured pcbs they are usually placed consistently
to simplify inspection. For example: all color codes readable left to
right and top to bottom.

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