Today I experienced a strange fact. I took a glow lamp (classic home
lamp 230 V, 60W) and I tested the resistence with my digital tester:
the value displaied was 64 ohms. But this value is wrong (in theory),
because 230*230/64=827W, while the correct resistence value must be:
230*230/60=880 ohms. Now, I would like to know if someone of you
experienced the same thing by himself (and the motivation of a similar
value) or if my tester is broken. Thank you.
lamp 230 V, 60W) and I tested the resistence with my digital tester:
the value displaied was 64 ohms. But this value is wrong (in theory),
because 230*230/64=827W, while the correct resistence value must be:
230*230/60=880 ohms. Now, I would like to know if someone of you
experienced the same thing by himself (and the motivation of a similar
value) or if my tester is broken. Thank you.