resistance calculator



Hey, I am making a SIMPLE parallel/series resistance calculator and wondered
if anyone wanted to test it...

I'm sorry but it is programmed in and I might switch it to C/C++
someday but for now it is going to require the .NET framework. Anyway, if
you want to try it let me know what you want added. The next step I was
going to do is show the voltage dropoff of each resistor. Oh well... Let me
know what you think.
dude wrote:
Hey, I am making a SIMPLE parallel/series resistance calculator and wondered
if anyone wanted to test it...

I'm sorry but it is programmed in and I might switch it to C/C++
someday but for now it is going to require the .NET framework. Anyway, if
you want to try it let me know what you want added. The next step I was
going to do is show the voltage dropoff of each resistor. Oh well... Let me
know what you think.
Not half bad.. here are some suggestions..

1) ad a power of ten (ie 330e3 = 330,000) button
2) make hotkeys for clear and calculate buttons
3) add a thing to do caps in paralell and series.. just gotta flip the
formulas from the resistors.. While your at it do inductors :)
4) maybe add a keypad looking thing like when you use the windows
calcuator.. Either that or scale down the GUI, there is a lot of empty

The math seemed alright tho.. i tryed out a few calculations and it came
up right every time..

Hope my comments helped! i'm not very experienced using C++ or i'd
probabally just write out code for what i thought needed fixing.. seems
like your on your way to an alright program tho..

good luck




"The only thing better than sitting outside and
playing a banjo is sitting outside playing a banjo
made of the skulls of people that made fun of you in
elementry school."
"Richie" <> wrote in message
dude wrote:
Hey, I am making a SIMPLE parallel/series resistance calculator and
if anyone wanted to test it...

I'm sorry but it is programmed in and I might switch it to C/C++
someday but for now it is going to require the .NET framework. Anyway,
you want to try it let me know what you want added. The next step I was
going to do is show the voltage dropoff of each resistor. Oh well... Let
know what you think.

Not half bad.. here are some suggestions..

1) ad a power of ten (ie 330e3 = 330,000) button
Good thought...

2) make hotkeys for clear and calculate buttons
Another good thought...

3) add a thing to do caps in paralell and series.. just gotta flip the
Was just thinking about that... :)

formulas from the resistors.. While your at it do inductors :)
Never thought about that.... :) :)

4) maybe add a keypad looking thing like when you use the windows
Yeah, I should, I just never liked the GUI keyboard but I see your point.

Either that or scale down the GUI, there is a lot of empty
Yeah, I knew that was coming. I left it big for my future add-ons.

The math seemed alright tho.. i tryed out a few calculations and it came
up right every time..
Yeah, I am only using the reciprical of the sum of recipricals to keep the
logic down, and there isn't a lot of ways I can screw that one up. It has
worked on all of my tests and there is a limit on the number of resistors to
avoid wrapping the value and giving false results.

Hope my comments helped! i'm not very experienced using C++ or i'd
probabally just write out code for what i thought needed fixing.. seems
like your on your way to an alright program tho..

It's actually Visual BASIC.NET. I do program in C/C++ and JAVA though. This
was just a little app to get me into the .NET framework. Not sure that I
like .NET but it isn't that bad....

good luck




"The only thing better than sitting outside and
playing a banjo is sitting outside playing a banjo
made of the skulls of people that made fun of you in
elementry school."

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