Hi Eveyone,
The specifications goes something like this :
The device core asserts reset to the device peripherals asynchronously
and releases (deasserts) the reset synchronously after 4 clock periods
there are two possible implementations for the above spec which one is
better :
signal reset_reg : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
p_reset_reg : process(clk,reset_async)
if (reset_async = '0') then
-- on async reset assertion reset the registers
reset_reg <= (others => '0');
elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then
reset_reg(0) <= '1';
reset_shift_reg : for i in (reset_reg'LOW to reset_reg'HIGH -1) loop
reset_reg(i+1) <= reset_reg(i);
end loop reset_shift_reg;
end if ;
end process p_reset_reg;
-- implementation 1 direct assignment of register value to reset_out
reset_out <= reset_reg(3);
-- implementation 2 assignment of decoded value of the register
-- bank to the reset out only when all the four registers attain
-- '1' then release reset to the device
reset_out <= reset_reg(0) and reset_reg(1) and reset_reg(2) and
"I think the second implementation reduces the problem of metastability
at the reset_out as it is less probable that ll the four flops go
metastable at the same time"
Is the above statement (" I think ... time") valid
awaiting your replies
The specifications goes something like this :
The device core asserts reset to the device peripherals asynchronously
and releases (deasserts) the reset synchronously after 4 clock periods
there are two possible implementations for the above spec which one is
better :
signal reset_reg : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
p_reset_reg : process(clk,reset_async)
if (reset_async = '0') then
-- on async reset assertion reset the registers
reset_reg <= (others => '0');
elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then
reset_reg(0) <= '1';
reset_shift_reg : for i in (reset_reg'LOW to reset_reg'HIGH -1) loop
reset_reg(i+1) <= reset_reg(i);
end loop reset_shift_reg;
end if ;
end process p_reset_reg;
-- implementation 1 direct assignment of register value to reset_out
reset_out <= reset_reg(3);
-- implementation 2 assignment of decoded value of the register
-- bank to the reset out only when all the four registers attain
-- '1' then release reset to the device
reset_out <= reset_reg(0) and reset_reg(1) and reset_reg(2) and
"I think the second implementation reduces the problem of metastability
at the reset_out as it is less probable that ll the four flops go
metastable at the same time"
Is the above statement (" I think ... time") valid
awaiting your replies