I am trying to get a web site going with tech tips, humour and other
electronics themed information. I am having trouble getting anyone to
participate in the message boards. I can only add so much myself.
What I am wanting to know is the netiqutte involved in reposting tips
found in this newsgroup. I'd like to take some tips from this group
every week, maybe, and repost them in my message boards.
Would this be OK, or would it violate netiqutte?
Please let me know. Thanks, in advance.
Derek Tombrello
Shelby TV Service
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I am trying to get a web site going with tech tips, humour and other
electronics themed information. I am having trouble getting anyone to
participate in the message boards. I can only add so much myself.
What I am wanting to know is the netiqutte involved in reposting tips
found in this newsgroup. I'd like to take some tips from this group
every week, maybe, and repost them in my message boards.
Would this be OK, or would it violate netiqutte?
Please let me know. Thanks, in advance.
Derek Tombrello
Shelby TV Service
reply-to address is invalid