Could some Verilog guru please help ? I am using structural Verilog to
design a serial-parallel converter. The special characteristic of
incoming serial bits is that it is its own clock. That is when the
signal is high, it represents logic '1' and vice-versa. I am using non-
blocking assignment in the shift register. The problem is that
although the test harness is generating the appropriate sequence of 1s
and 0s (tested with '$display(.....)' ) the register always contains
zeros. I am using non-blocking assignment to shift the bits in the
shift register. I am not sure what exactly the problem might be. I
have attached the source for reference, and I am using Icarus Verilog
Any hints, suggestions would be of immense help.
`timescale 1ns/1ns
module shiftregister(clk, pls_data_req,
txd0, txd1, txd2, txd3,
txd4, txd5, txd6, txd7);
parameter MAX = 64;
parameter BLANK64 =
parameter BLANK8 = 8'b00000000;
parameter PERIOD = 1;
input clk;
input pls_data_req;
output [7:0] txd0;
output [7:0] txd1;
output [7:0] txd2;
output [7:0] txd3;
output [7:0] txd4;
output [7:0] txd5;
output [7:0] txd6;
output [7:0] txd7;
reg [7:0] txd0;
reg [7:0] txd1;
reg [7:0] txd2;
reg [7:0] txd3;
reg [7:0] txd4;
reg [7:0] txd5;
reg [7:0] txd6;
reg [7:0] txd7;
reg [63:0] q;
reg [63:0] qtmp;
integer count;
q = BLANK64;
qtmp = BLANK64;
txd0 = BLANK8;
txd1 = BLANK8;
txd2 = BLANK8;
txd3 = BLANK8;
txd4 = BLANK8;
txd6 = BLANK8;
txd7 = BLANK8;
count = 0;
if(count < MAX)
q[0] <= pls_data_req;
q[1] <= q[0];
q[4] <= q[3];
q[5] <= q[4];
q[6] <= q[5];
q[7] <= q[6];
q[8] <= q[7];
q[9] <= q[8];
q[10] <= q[9];
q[11] <= q[10];
q[12] <= q[11];
q[13] <= q[12];
q[14] <= q[13];
q[15] <= q[14];
q[16] <= q[15];
q[17] <= q[16];
q[18] <= q[17];
q[19] <= q[18];
q[20] <= q[19];
q[21] <= q[20];
q[22] <= q[21];
q[23] <= q[22];
q[24] <= q[23];
q[25] <= q[24];
q[26] <= q[25];
q[27] <= q[26];
q[28] <= q[27];
q[29] <= q[28];
q[30] <= q[29];
q[31] <= q[30];
q[32] <= q[31];
q[33] <= q[32];
q[34] <= q[33];
q[35] <= q[34];
q[36] <= q[35];
q[37] <= q[36];
q[38] <= q[37];
q[39] <= q[38];
q[40] <= q[39];
q[41] <= q[40];
q[42] <= q[41];
q[43] <= q[42];
q[44] <= q[43];
q[45] <= q[44];
q[46] <= q[45];
q[47] <= q[46];
q[48] <= q[47];
q[49] <= q[48];
q[50] <= q[49];
q[51] <= q[50];
q[52] <= q[51];
q[53] <= q[52];
q[54] <= q[53];
q[55] <= q[54];
q[56] <= q[55];
q[57] <= q[56];
q[58] <= q[57];
q[59] <= q[58];
q[60] <= q[59];
q[61] <= q[60];
q[62] <= q[61];
q[63] <= q[62];
count = count + 1;
else if(count == MAX)
$display("%b", q);
count = 0;
qtmp <= q;
q <= BLANK64;
txd0 <= qtmp[7:0];
txd1 <= qtmp[15:8];
txd2 <= qtmp[23:16];
txd3 <= qtmp[31:24];
txd4 <= qtmp[39:32];
txd5 <= qtmp[47:40];
txd6 <= qtmp[55:48];
txd7 <= qtmp[63:56];
qtmp <= BLANK64;
$display("txd0=%b txd1=%b txd2=%b txd3=%b txd4=%b txd5=%b txd6=%b
txd7=%b", txd0, txd1, txd2, txd3, txd4, txd5, txd6, txd7);*/
design a serial-parallel converter. The special characteristic of
incoming serial bits is that it is its own clock. That is when the
signal is high, it represents logic '1' and vice-versa. I am using non-
blocking assignment in the shift register. The problem is that
although the test harness is generating the appropriate sequence of 1s
and 0s (tested with '$display(.....)' ) the register always contains
zeros. I am using non-blocking assignment to shift the bits in the
shift register. I am not sure what exactly the problem might be. I
have attached the source for reference, and I am using Icarus Verilog
Any hints, suggestions would be of immense help.
`timescale 1ns/1ns
module shiftregister(clk, pls_data_req,
txd0, txd1, txd2, txd3,
txd4, txd5, txd6, txd7);
parameter MAX = 64;
parameter BLANK64 =
parameter BLANK8 = 8'b00000000;
parameter PERIOD = 1;
input clk;
input pls_data_req;
output [7:0] txd0;
output [7:0] txd1;
output [7:0] txd2;
output [7:0] txd3;
output [7:0] txd4;
output [7:0] txd5;
output [7:0] txd6;
output [7:0] txd7;
reg [7:0] txd0;
reg [7:0] txd1;
reg [7:0] txd2;
reg [7:0] txd3;
reg [7:0] txd4;
reg [7:0] txd5;
reg [7:0] txd6;
reg [7:0] txd7;
reg [63:0] q;
reg [63:0] qtmp;
integer count;
q = BLANK64;
qtmp = BLANK64;
txd0 = BLANK8;
txd1 = BLANK8;
txd2 = BLANK8;
txd3 = BLANK8;
txd4 = BLANK8;
txd6 = BLANK8;
txd7 = BLANK8;
count = 0;
if(count < MAX)
q[0] <= pls_data_req;
q[1] <= q[0];
q[4] <= q[3];
q[5] <= q[4];
q[6] <= q[5];
q[7] <= q[6];
q[8] <= q[7];
q[9] <= q[8];
q[10] <= q[9];
q[11] <= q[10];
q[12] <= q[11];
q[13] <= q[12];
q[14] <= q[13];
q[15] <= q[14];
q[16] <= q[15];
q[17] <= q[16];
q[18] <= q[17];
q[19] <= q[18];
q[20] <= q[19];
q[21] <= q[20];
q[22] <= q[21];
q[23] <= q[22];
q[24] <= q[23];
q[25] <= q[24];
q[26] <= q[25];
q[27] <= q[26];
q[28] <= q[27];
q[29] <= q[28];
q[30] <= q[29];
q[31] <= q[30];
q[32] <= q[31];
q[33] <= q[32];
q[34] <= q[33];
q[35] <= q[34];
q[36] <= q[35];
q[37] <= q[36];
q[38] <= q[37];
q[39] <= q[38];
q[40] <= q[39];
q[41] <= q[40];
q[42] <= q[41];
q[43] <= q[42];
q[44] <= q[43];
q[45] <= q[44];
q[46] <= q[45];
q[47] <= q[46];
q[48] <= q[47];
q[49] <= q[48];
q[50] <= q[49];
q[51] <= q[50];
q[52] <= q[51];
q[53] <= q[52];
q[54] <= q[53];
q[55] <= q[54];
q[56] <= q[55];
q[57] <= q[56];
q[58] <= q[57];
q[59] <= q[58];
q[60] <= q[59];
q[61] <= q[60];
q[62] <= q[61];
q[63] <= q[62];
count = count + 1;
else if(count == MAX)
$display("%b", q);
count = 0;
qtmp <= q;
q <= BLANK64;
txd0 <= qtmp[7:0];
txd1 <= qtmp[15:8];
txd2 <= qtmp[23:16];
txd3 <= qtmp[31:24];
txd4 <= qtmp[39:32];
txd5 <= qtmp[47:40];
txd6 <= qtmp[55:48];
txd7 <= qtmp[63:56];
qtmp <= BLANK64;
$display("txd0=%b txd1=%b txd2=%b txd3=%b txd4=%b txd5=%b txd6=%b
txd7=%b", txd0, txd1, txd2, txd3, txd4, txd5, txd6, txd7);*/