Request for a vote, newsgroup alt.binaries.electronics



Request for a vote, newsgroup alt.binaries.electronics

Reasons for creating a new newsgroup. From the posts I have
made to alt.binaries.schematics.electronic , the realization
is a.b.s.e is not suited for many multipart files. PDF binaries
are large and have been posted, but I can not u/l large files,
so I break them up to smaller meg files. I am told that
I'm flooding a.b.s.e If this is flooding, then I suggest a
newsgroup aimed specifically at posting electronics related
data. I've been told I'm breaking copyright laws. The data
sheets that I was posting are obsolete, TI, Phillips/Signetics
do not support obsolete devices, they could care less about
obsolete. Othere users have posted manuals and I'm sure they
have also been warned about breaking copyright laws.
If the manufacturer does not exist anymore, who is going to
complain about corporate copyright law? There's no one there
at headquarters, it's been turned into a shopping mall?
The main problem is not the copyright issue, it has to do
with users who are complaining about "flooding" a.b.s.e
with so many files. It's about new people introduced to the
internet & don't know how to use/configure their newsreader.

I did a google search and came upon this doc,

If a new group is to be justified, its topic must already
be under discussion somewhere in existing Usenet groups.
The question is: under what circumstances is a new group

1. If the topic is consistently dominating discussion in a
more general group (e.g. 80% of discussion in alt.books.horror
is about one author). Forming a new group because of this
reason is called "splitting". If you want to form a newsgroup
by splitting from an existing group, you should discuss the
idea of a new group in the existing group before coming to
alt.config with a proposal. People have to agree that there
is a logical way to split the discussion. The old and new
group would both be need to be viable after the split.

The topic I have been posting are the multi-part rar files
to a.b.s.e , which no one seems to understand what to do with
them. If there's a new newsgroup to handle all these files,
then it would be much less of an annoyance. Users have complained
"what the hell are these f*&king things, get the f%$k out of here"
This tells you that some users don't know a thing about a common
archiving file, rar. They complain about par files. There have
been too many complaints on how to use a newsreader, what
newsreaders are there, why are these users trying use a web
browser to read newsgroups? I have been told the files are porn
related. How is a datasheet porn material? I've been told
all these files are related to music and video files. How
are the datasheets related to music and video?
I have not posted any porn, music or video files.

Again, this boils down to the complainers who don't know what
to do with so many files, so they related the rar and par files
to the web sites they have visited, the porn newsgroups, the
music newsgroups, the digital video newsgroups.

I've been told" read the f#*king a.b.s.e. charter.
There is no charter for a.b.s.e , never has been, never will be.
In the beginning a.b.s.e was created for just what I'm doing,
posting of binary files, pdfs, executables, binaries. How is
anyone going to post an executable without breaking it up
to smaller files? But now, what I'm doing is called flooding
a.b.s.e . Even with the current users in a.b.s.e, complainers
will probably complain about copyright of executables.

With all this complaining, no one from anyother newsgroup,
will ever post their program or project. No has ever posted
cad files, pcb files, because they have to break up these files,
use zip-split? Someone will complain they are flooding the

Over the years the internet has grown in leaps and bounds.
PC Hardware & software increasing more & more. Connection
speed dsl, cable modem, gigs at a time. Students run
multi-terabye servers for their summer job or intern job.

This is the year 2006 and a new newsgroup to handle
multi-part binary files should be introduced.

I propose new newsgroup : alt.binaries.electronics

CHARTER: alt.binaries.electronics is for; 1) the support of
design, development, prototype and repair of electronic and
electrical equipment , 2) to support those that maintain
obsolete equipment , 3) a place for those users needing to
post multi-part binary files dealing with electronics.
The multi-part binary files can be of the format Zip, WinRar
and Par. As time goes on and better archiving software becomes
available, this charter will add those archiving software.

The newsgroup will be moderated. Off-topic binaries, spam
and advertising posts are not permitted. Discussion of hacks,
cracks, warez, serial numbers or the illegal exchange of
copyrighted software is banned.

as per

People have to agree that there is a logical way to split the
discussion. The old and new group would both be needed to be
viable after the split.

I see no problem here. Some of the electronic data I have posted
dose not exist on any web page.

Binaries', as they are called, are messages that have attachments
that are not pure text: they include photos, programs, WAV files,
Word documents, animations etc)

ALL GROUPS that are meant to have binaries posted to them must be
under alt.binaries.* or similar groups.

Don't ask for a binaries group unless you really need it.

I am asking for a news newsgroup to use for the present and
future postings.

Before creating a new ALT newsgroup, the big question is whether
there is really a need for it. The net gods will always ask for
numerical justification for the creation of a new group.

RELEVANCE: you can only count messages if their discussion is
relevant to your groups's topic. The fact that a certain word
appears in a message does not guarantee that the message can
be counted as relevant for justification purposes.

This a call for a vote. I am not looking for off topic discussion,
not looking for being called I'm stupid, get lost.

This a call for a vote.
newtype wrote:

I have been told the files are porn
No you haven't ! Your floods have been *compared* to what's normal in
a pr0n group.

Tony Williams <> wrote in

In article <Xns9737C5362D16Eres808c4earthlinknet@>,
newtype <> wrote:

I propose new newsgroup : alt.binaries.electronics

As one who has had to unsubscribe from abse because of
your floodings I would vote for a new group for you.
I propose a new newsgroups for my floodings, that a.b.s.e
can't keep up with. There is never was a charter for a.b.s.e
I proposed a charter that will allow multi-part file postings
to alt.binaries.electronics

The technology is changing, hardware & software is getting bigger
and faster.

If you don't like the 'on topic' files I post, then add me to
a kill file? You don't know what a kill file is? Your outdated
newsreader dosen't have a kill file option? I've added Steven
Waltz to a kill file, the biggest hate monger that ever lived.

Your proposed name is inappropriate though. Something
more suitable could be.......
I'd vote for that.
Newsgroups: line expanded.
Pooh Bear <> wrote in

newtype wrote:

I have been told the files are porn related.

No you haven't ! Your floods have been *compared* to what's normal in
a pr0n group.


alt.binaries.ebooks.technical ....? Now that's news to me?
When did that get created ??? Forget about the new newsgroup.
I'll post to a.b.e.t
On 26 Dec 2005 03:23:16 GMT, newtype <> wrote:

Request for a vote, newsgroup alt.binaries.electronics

Reasons for creating a new newsgroup. From the posts I have
made to alt.binaries.schematics.electronic , the realization
is a.b.s.e is not suited for many multipart files. PDF binaries
are large and have been posted, but I can not u/l large files,
so I break them up to smaller meg files. I am told that
I'm flooding a.b.s.e If this is flooding, then I suggest a
newsgroup aimed specifically at posting electronics related
data. I've been told I'm breaking copyright laws. The data
sheets that I was posting are obsolete, TI, Phillips/Signetics
do not support obsolete devices, they could care less about
obsolete. Othere users have posted manuals and I'm sure they
have also been warned about breaking copyright laws.
If the manufacturer does not exist anymore, who is going to
complain about corporate copyright law? There's no one there
at headquarters, it's been turned into a shopping mall?
The main problem is not the copyright issue, it has to do
with users who are complaining about "flooding" a.b.s.e
with so many files. It's about new people introduced to the
internet & don't know how to use/configure their newsreader.


abse can handle large binaries, but it isn't run like a porno or music
groups where folks post random things. Most folks in this group will
ask for obsolete data if they can't get it from any of the web sites
that carry obsolete data sheets like

It appears that you are new to the usenet. First thing to do when you
participate in a group is to observe how folks use the group. This
takes about 1 week. You will notice that abse is used to post binaries
in relation to a discussion and sometimes frivolous things like
transistor jokes. Unsolicited short form catalogs poorly formatted so
they are 10 times larger than they should be, pictures of an old
triple 4-3-3 input ECL NOR gate, and data sheets that are readily
available from the WEB are outside the accepted usage of abse. One of
the reasons people get upset with your unsolicited flood of stuff that
it can push posts off of news servers. Many news servers that carry
binaries groups have overall size limits. Thus, when you flood a
binaries group, posts get pushed off the top, sometimes prematurely.
Not all of us sign up to premium news servers.

If you want another example, look at your 82S126 data sheet. You can
readily get this data sheet off the WEB as a 200 kB download - so why
do you need to post it? Yours is 4.8 MB because you didn't scan it
properly (place a black sheet of paper on the back of the page so you
don't see the opposite page), didn't threshold the scan, and used JPG
compression when you should be using CCITT compression.

If your posting binaries to participate in a discussion or need to do
so because it will convey info about a question you have, please do
so. Old data sheets that we can get from the WEB only waste server
space. A suggestion, if you want to benefit the community, you can set
up a repository on a web page or something like eDonkey and put out a
posting to the group about your online repository.
All this water under the bridge, I'll be posting to
alt.binaries.e-books , case closed.
newtype wrote:

All this water under the bridge, I'll be posting to
alt.binaries.e-books , case closed.
It is not. There are lessons here you NEED to learn.


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