On Sat, 04 Jun 2005 05:33:19 GMT, in alt.engineering.electrical you
only be required when user selects the need and not a continuous
115v 3phase 400 Hz
220v 2Phase 400Hz
28 vDC 200 amps max. There are two TRs tied together in parallel, EA
max 100 amps. Loss of various equipment will be executed and data
sampled for future capabilities and emergency procedures. The main
concern is the capability of the TRs to handle various loading
configurations but data for all sources is required.
currently exists (current model is solely analytical, no hard data
available) All the sources are analog, but how those samples are
obtained, I don't think will make a difference. I thought simple
inductive pickups that feed analog to dig conv for recording.
a solid foundation for a POA.
this magnitude that I'm heading up.
be during major changes in flight profiles, such that sample rates mayJB2 <none@none.com> wrote:
I have to log 150 discrete inputs, some AC and others DC, voltages and
currents. I plan on using simple inductive pickups and voltage probe
How often do you need to log each input?
Still to be determined, but preliminary data acquisition will need to
only be required when user selects the need and not a continuous
comparative analysis.Do some inputs need to be logged more often than others?
No, in fact would rather have all samples at the same time for
115v 1 phase 400Hz 650 ampsWhat kind of voltage and current ranges do you need?
Gen output is 40kVA three total & One 1kVA
115v 3phase 400 Hz
220v 2Phase 400Hz
28 vDC 200 amps max. There are two TRs tied together in parallel, EA
max 100 amps. Loss of various equipment will be executed and data
sampled for future capabilities and emergency procedures. The main
concern is the capability of the TRs to handle various loading
configurations but data for all sources is required.
modeling. I will probably end up building a more accurate model thenDo you need analog measurements for everything, or is
digital OK for some of the inputs?
Data will be used for reporting purposes, future calculations and
currently exists (current model is solely analytical, no hard data
available) All the sources are analog, but how those samples are
obtained, I don't think will make a difference. I thought simple
inductive pickups that feed analog to dig conv for recording.
deviation may make modeling too inaccurate.How accurate does each analog reading need to be?
Big question! I would want at most _+2%. I suspect any more
week I can check whats avalable, for now, I'm simply attempting to getAny suggestions?
The 150 channel requirement is a biggie. If you don't need to log each
input that often, it's not as big of a deal, but if you need high data
rates, it may get a little expensive.
I know I'll need a DAC, just not sure which would work best.
LOL yea right. in house resources avalablity of equipment., Next
a solid foundation for a POA.
A/CIf you have plenty of somebody else's money, and you don't need
to log each channel more than once every several seconds, go buy a data
logger like a Fluke Hydra. This is essentially a good auto-ranging
multimeter with a DP21T switch on the input leads. Some models can only
output the data immediately over a serial port, while some can store data
in an internal memory. The potential problem here is that it costs
US$2,000-$3,000 for 20 channels, and you need to do that seven and a
half times. You might be able to buy one data logger and multiplex the
inputs to it with external silicon, switches, or relays. You need a
40P8T contact arrangement...
Outstanding suggestion
Instead of trying to log everything at once on a laptop, it might work
better to select smaller boards with 10 or 20 inputs and let each board
log to local memory, then download all the boards at the end of the
flight. This may also tend to reduce the number of wires strung around
the aircraft, if you can locate the boards near the measurement points.
You need some kind of sync between the boards... they all have to start
their clocks at the same time, or get individually synchronized to GPS
or WWV, or you need to string a wire between them. You may also have to
be careful where you put the boards physically... if they make the
aircraft radios go screwy the pilot will not be happy with you.
I do have GPS signals available
This may be obvious, but it's probably a bad idea for there to be just
one person trying to fly the plane and operate the data logging at the
same time. If one-man operation is required, the interface to the data
logging has to be very simple, or even something that can be started
before takeoff by someone else and stopped after landing.
I have a crew on board, flight crew, trechnicians, engineers (me) 707
have the resources, but money is limited and this is my 1st project ofI'm somewhat curious as to what you're doing... most of the people that
want to do something like this probably work for an aircraft
manufacturer and in that case I would think they'd just buy
off-the-shelf stuff. But hey, maybe you're building an experimental
jet in your garage.
I wish LOL no.... DOD trying to avoid using $$$$$ contractors, We
this magnitude that I'm heading up.
Once you can answer most of the questions above - in other words, when
you can state your requirements more clearly - you may want to
cross-post or post to sci.electronics.design for more good input.
Matt Roberds
thanks Matt