req: help to wire a 1phase ac motor


Garth Oor-Tael


I would appreciate help in wiring a 1 phase AC motor. I tried getting a
diagram but couldn't find any for this motor.

Here's what I know:
-3 leads coming out (red, blue, black)
-2 visibly different wiring inside (colors: red-ish, gold-ish)
-need an external capacitor (which I have)

Inductance measurements:
black-red: 12.18 mH
black-blue: 13.14 mH
red-blue: 30.0 mH

Information written on the plate:
Moore-O-Matic, Inc.
Model A0816B2711, E62788
120V 60Hz 4.7amp 1/2hp, E62815
53-64MFD/220VAC, insul??? 130(B)
therm prot L, E62???, P/N 210407
Waupaca, WI 54981

the ??? are parts that are unreadable

All I need to know is where to plug what, I don't need an actual diagram.
If the motor is reversible, let me know (and how).

Any help appreciated,

note: sorry for the fake e-mail address, but I really don't want spammers
getting the real one. All contact will have to be through the newsgroup.
On Jan 7, 3:49 pm, Garth Oor-Tael <> wrote:

I would appreciate help in wiring a 1 phase AC motor. I tried getting a
diagram but couldn't find any for this motor.

Here's what I know:
-3 leads coming out (red, blue, black)
-2 visibly different wiring inside (colors: red-ish, gold-ish)
-need an external capacitor (which I have)

Inductance measurements:
black-red: 12.18 mH
black-blue: 13.14 mH
red-blue: 30.0 mH

Information written on the plate:
Moore-O-Matic, Inc.
Model A0816B2711, E62788
120V 60Hz 4.7amp 1/2hp, E62815
53-64MFD/220VAC, insul??? 130(B)
therm prot L, E62???, P/N 210407
Waupaca, WI 54981

the ??? are parts that are unreadable

All I need to know is where to plug what, I don't need an actual diagram.
If the motor is reversible, let me know (and how).

Any help appreciated,

note: sorry for the fake e-mail address, but I really don't want spammers
getting the real one. All contact will have to be through the newsgroup.
Garth, I have this same motor and would appreciate receiving any
information you may have received in response to your request. Thanks.
Maura wrote:

On Jan 7, 3:49 pm, Garth Oor-Tael <> wrote:

I would appreciate help in wiring a 1 phase AC motor. I tried getting
a diagram but couldn't find any for this motor.

Here's what I know:
-3 leads coming out (red, blue, black)
-2 visibly different wiring inside (colors: red-ish, gold-ish)
-need an external capacitor (which I have)

Inductance measurements:
black-red: 12.18 mH
black-blue: 13.14 mH
red-blue: 30.0 mH

Information written on the plate:
Moore-O-Matic, Inc.
Model A0816B2711, E62788
120V 60Hz 4.7amp 1/2hp, E62815
53-64MFD/220VAC, insul??? 130(B)
therm prot L, E62???, P/N 210407
Waupaca, WI 54981

the ??? are parts that are unreadable

All I need to know is where to plug what, I don't need an actual
diagram. If the motor is reversible, let me know (and how).

Any help appreciated,

note: sorry for the fake e-mail address, but I really don't want
spammers getting the real one. All contact will have to be through
the newsgroup.

Garth, I have this same motor and would appreciate receiving any
information you may have received in response to your request. Thanks.
Try "Wikipedia"

Best Regards:
On Tue, 03 Feb 2009 09:28:27 -0800, brussell8 wrote:

On Jan 7, 3:49 pm, Garth Oor-Tael <> wrote:

I would appreciate help in wiring a 1 phase AC motor. I tried getting a
diagram but couldn't find any for this motor.

Here's what I know:
-3 leads coming out (red, blue, black) -2 visibly different wiring
inside (colors: red-ish, gold-ish) -need an external capacitor (which
I have)

Inductance measurements:
black-red: 12.18 mH
black-blue: 13.14 mH
red-blue: 30.0 mH

Information written on the plate:
Moore-O-Matic, Inc.
Model A0816B2711, E62788
120V 60Hz 4.7amp 1/2hp, E62815
53-64MFD/220VAC, insul??? 130(B)
therm prot L, E62???, P/N 210407
Waupaca, WI 54981

the ??? are parts that are unreadable

All I need to know is where to plug what, I don't need an actual
diagram. If the motor is reversible, let me know (and how).

Any help appreciated,

note: sorry for the fake e-mail address, but I really don't want
spammers getting the real one. All contact will have to be through the

Garth, I have this same motor and would appreciate receiving any
information you may have received in response to your request. Thanks.
I didn't get any specific information, but I did end up trying, and it
seemed successful. I wired it as a capacitor-start induction motor (I
guess it could be permanent-split (where you leave the 1 capacitor plug
in at all time), but a website said that such a configuration works well
up to 1/4hp but usually applied to smaller motors, as this is 1/2hp I
assumed it would be capacitor-start (same website suggested that
capacitor-run type is justified for 'larger size motors')).

Is I only did a quick wiring test, it didn't take into account neutral/
live polarity, so keep in mind that in the following wiring example,
neutral and live could have been inverter:

live-capacitor-red (disconnect once the motor has started)
This ran the motor CCW (I think, didn't bother to note it).
Inverting the connection of the blue & red made it run the other way run
(as expected).

Now, the only question that remains is that if the two winding are
identical or not. If they are identical, it could be run any way. But if
the 2 different colors of winding is so they have slightly different
properties, then it should only be run 1 way (I've seen some websites
that suggested that the auxiliary winding could have more windings and/or
use thicker wires). As I've seen 2 sites indicating the motor could have
come from a garage door opener, then I'm guessing it could have been
built to run both ways.

Hopes this help

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