a remote can actually travel quite a ways by direct line of sight from point
a to point b,,also a remote can reflect off of surfaces,provided they are
reflective enough, even a neighbor could turn your tv on and off with a
simuilar remote from their window,,but not sure to many actually do it on
purpose,,but you never know. Another note, not to be gross but if you have
any bugs such as roaches they tend to get into most electronic things,,the
reason is electronic things give off a bit of heat,,and its a nice dark
place to hide. Yes I have had roaches,,and they can destroy electronic
things in time,and cause them to act erractic. Electronic things can be
cleaned,,and bugs removed if one knows what to do..But you would be amazed
how many people who have roaches have electronic things go out on them all
the time,,and they probabily have no idea why..
a to point b,,also a remote can reflect off of surfaces,provided they are
reflective enough, even a neighbor could turn your tv on and off with a
simuilar remote from their window,,but not sure to many actually do it on
purpose,,but you never know. Another note, not to be gross but if you have
any bugs such as roaches they tend to get into most electronic things,,the
reason is electronic things give off a bit of heat,,and its a nice dark
place to hide. Yes I have had roaches,,and they can destroy electronic
things in time,and cause them to act erractic. Electronic things can be
cleaned,,and bugs removed if one knows what to do..But you would be amazed
how many people who have roaches have electronic things go out on them all
the time,,and they probabily have no idea why..