Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud
Dear Mr Parker,
I would strongly advise you to carefully visit the internet site of Dr Don
Findlay and read the book of President Bob Sheppard on the subject of the
Discovery of the Telfer Mine, and associated Great Sandy Desert Mineral
Deposits; then read in parallel the letter written by Gallop on May 2005,
Premier of WA, relative to me and denying everything. You have not done so
obviously !
It will give you an idea then of the deception, corruption and last but not
least contempt for France and anything French in your LOB !!! ... brazenly
denial and insistent Cover Up by all Australian Politics of the Mining
Criminals USD 250 Billions Swindle, of both an Australian Mining Pioneer
and thousand of unaware Boral Shareholders. As a return soldier myself, I
know what you are talking about and I am sure the inhabitants of
VILLERS-BRETONNEUX, would be very surprised to know the real opinion of
Australians at large towards France and the French people. In this regard I
could supply track load of insults by Anglesea, Travis Morien, Foster, Sunny
and hundred others over the years in this respect. Having lived in the LOB
over 10 years myself, and having been closely run to death through that I
know well the weight of your indifference, silence and insidious treachery.
Please, as you seem to know people of VILLERS-BRETONNEUX in France, makes
them aware of the crucifixion, and through his whole life time, of a
Frenchman who did wonder in the Land of Bastards ! They will appreciate to
know, since as you describe these good people to me, they have, as the
great majority of French people, the moral quality of Gratitude and
Recognition. Such is completely absent of you whole Convict make up and of
your personal approach indeed, otherwise you would have said,
Thank you Sir Turcaud for what you achieved for our country, Australia.
I am unable to read even between the line, that this has not been said in
your previous post !
I note too that nowhere in your communication you are levelling the last
criticism at the Mining Criminals, their Australian Administrations &
Whole Political Class Accomplices, as well as to the Australian mob at
large who comfort the Criminals in their position. You comments and
insidious moralisation stand, at your previous attempt, is incorrect
without the complete perspective, i.e. without brining into line your
Australian Collective attitude, and Collective Crime indeed as a result
over 35 years now .... and going on without end ....
It is too late for reconciliation, and I will never forgive nor forget what
you all did to a brave and gallant French migrant indeed. No population in
the world behave like you do i.e. at this point of cynicism, blatant denial
of services rendered and denial of Justice, and finally wilful attempted
murder of some who did you good. Anywhere in the world like in New Zealand,
Canada, Argentina, Angleterre, China etc people would have not only
recognised the services rendered but would have celebrated and properly
honoured the Discoverer of the equivalent of the immense Great Sandy Desert
Richness. But you Australians are a class apart from the Human Community, a
kind a sub-race who does behave according to known standards. I expressed it
thoroughly and outlaid it carefully in my previous post, and there is
nothing to add, except the cowering of the WA Parliaments and of the Mining
Criminals of Newmont / Newcrest/ BHP and Boral at the present time ...
caught red-handed indeed. There is nothing that manure will do and can
further can do, since it is too late indeed for that reconciliation
mentioned by President Bob Sheppard to take place.... and I want nothing
further from your shameful Convict Rabble Quarters !
This only thing I have to do now, as man of honour, is to prevent keen and
brave people from France to be murdered in soul and body, by migrating to
your Australia Hell ! My life has run its longest part, and this is
something I see as a duty, and I wish I had followed the counsel of my late
mother : Don't go to Australia, we have no friends there. ... and do not
worry my children, both engineers now will never go to your Australia Hell,
even for a visit !
Yours faithfully
Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud
Shadow Ambassador of Australia in France
(Appointed to warn off French migrating to Australia)
Australia Mining Pioneer
Exploration Geologist
Discoverer and Legal Owner of Telfer, Nifty & Kintyre Mines
The Great Sandy Desert of Australia
Founder of the True Geology
* The "Golden Rule" or true story of the Discovery of the Telfer Mine
Author Bob Sheppard President of the APLA (Australian Prospectors' Union)
http://www.tnet.com.au/~warrigal/grule.html ,
* As well as Dr Don Findlay's Geological Site
~~ Ignorance Is The Cosmic Sin, The One Never Forgiven ! ~~
"Bob Parker" <bobpdeletethis@despammed.com> a écrit dans le message de news:
I would strongly advise you to carefully visit the internet site of Dr Don
Findlay and read the book of President Bob Sheppard on the subject of the
Discovery of the Telfer Mine, and associated Great Sandy Desert Mineral
Deposits; then read in parallel the letter written by Gallop on May 2005,
Premier of WA, relative to me and denying everything. You have not done so
obviously !
It will give you an idea then of the deception, corruption and last but not
least contempt for France and anything French in your LOB !!! ... brazenly
denial and insistent Cover Up by all Australian Politics of the Mining
Criminals USD 250 Billions Swindle, of both an Australian Mining Pioneer
and thousand of unaware Boral Shareholders. As a return soldier myself, I
know what you are talking about and I am sure the inhabitants of
VILLERS-BRETONNEUX, would be very surprised to know the real opinion of
Australians at large towards France and the French people. In this regard I
could supply track load of insults by Anglesea, Travis Morien, Foster, Sunny
and hundred others over the years in this respect. Having lived in the LOB
over 10 years myself, and having been closely run to death through that I
know well the weight of your indifference, silence and insidious treachery.
Please, as you seem to know people of VILLERS-BRETONNEUX in France, makes
them aware of the crucifixion, and through his whole life time, of a
Frenchman who did wonder in the Land of Bastards ! They will appreciate to
know, since as you describe these good people to me, they have, as the
great majority of French people, the moral quality of Gratitude and
Recognition. Such is completely absent of you whole Convict make up and of
your personal approach indeed, otherwise you would have said,
Thank you Sir Turcaud for what you achieved for our country, Australia.
I am unable to read even between the line, that this has not been said in
your previous post !
I note too that nowhere in your communication you are levelling the last
criticism at the Mining Criminals, their Australian Administrations &
Whole Political Class Accomplices, as well as to the Australian mob at
large who comfort the Criminals in their position. You comments and
insidious moralisation stand, at your previous attempt, is incorrect
without the complete perspective, i.e. without brining into line your
Australian Collective attitude, and Collective Crime indeed as a result
over 35 years now .... and going on without end ....
It is too late for reconciliation, and I will never forgive nor forget what
you all did to a brave and gallant French migrant indeed. No population in
the world behave like you do i.e. at this point of cynicism, blatant denial
of services rendered and denial of Justice, and finally wilful attempted
murder of some who did you good. Anywhere in the world like in New Zealand,
Canada, Argentina, Angleterre, China etc people would have not only
recognised the services rendered but would have celebrated and properly
honoured the Discoverer of the equivalent of the immense Great Sandy Desert
Richness. But you Australians are a class apart from the Human Community, a
kind a sub-race who does behave according to known standards. I expressed it
thoroughly and outlaid it carefully in my previous post, and there is
nothing to add, except the cowering of the WA Parliaments and of the Mining
Criminals of Newmont / Newcrest/ BHP and Boral at the present time ...
caught red-handed indeed. There is nothing that manure will do and can
further can do, since it is too late indeed for that reconciliation
mentioned by President Bob Sheppard to take place.... and I want nothing
further from your shameful Convict Rabble Quarters !
This only thing I have to do now, as man of honour, is to prevent keen and
brave people from France to be murdered in soul and body, by migrating to
your Australia Hell ! My life has run its longest part, and this is
something I see as a duty, and I wish I had followed the counsel of my late
mother : Don't go to Australia, we have no friends there. ... and do not
worry my children, both engineers now will never go to your Australia Hell,
even for a visit !
Yours faithfully
Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud
Shadow Ambassador of Australia in France
(Appointed to warn off French migrating to Australia)
Australia Mining Pioneer
Exploration Geologist
Discoverer and Legal Owner of Telfer, Nifty & Kintyre Mines
The Great Sandy Desert of Australia
Founder of the True Geology
* The "Golden Rule" or true story of the Discovery of the Telfer Mine
Author Bob Sheppard President of the APLA (Australian Prospectors' Union)
http://www.tnet.com.au/~warrigal/grule.html ,
* As well as Dr Don Findlay's Geological Site
~~ Ignorance Is The Cosmic Sin, The One Never Forgiven ! ~~
"Bob Parker" <bobpdeletethis@despammed.com> a écrit dans le message de news:
Dear Sir Turcaud,
I would strongly advise you not to visit the French town of
VILLERS-BRETONNEUX and tell everyone you meet about your obsessive
hatred of all Australians, even those who have never had anything to
do with geology.
Go to http://perso.wanadoo.fr/jean-pierre.gourdain/villersb.html
and you will understand.
Now please readjust your perpspective on reality.
On Thu, 25 Aug 2005 15:00:04 +0200, "Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud" <Sir
JPTurcaud@atlante.com> wrote:
We are going to grade up into another level, with all journalists and all
papers of France are going to be officially advised about the Land Of
Bastards, and the way it deals with some of the best people who
unfortunately happened to land in that Convicts' Colony !
As Shadow Ambassador of Australia in France, I will be available as for
to deliver conferences and interviews to radio; televisions and newspapers
about the danger of migrating to such hateful country : THE LOB ! My
official position will help indeed the message to go through.and prevent
indeed good people dying alive in that HELL