I have a board with some failed capacitors. These are 3300uf 6.3v
capacitors. I don't have any 3300uf caps handy, but I do have some other
values and was wondering if a different combination of values could be
substituted. The caps are connected in parallel (all + leads together and
all - leads together) to filter a power bus.
How can I calculate the resulting capacitance of these three parts combined
and then break it into other values. (similar to how you could put two 500K
resistors in series to substitute for a 1000K resistor).
I have a board with some failed capacitors. These are 3300uf 6.3v
capacitors. I don't have any 3300uf caps handy, but I do have some other
values and was wondering if a different combination of values could be
substituted. The caps are connected in parallel (all + leads together and
all - leads together) to filter a power bus.
How can I calculate the resulting capacitance of these three parts combined
and then break it into other values. (similar to how you could put two 500K
resistors in series to substitute for a 1000K resistor).