Replacing a dead EZ80



I have an old tube radio and the rectifier tube EZ80 is dead.
I can't find a new tube.
So, can i replace it with two common diodes such as 1n4001 ?
or i have to make more tweaks on the circuit ?
Thanks on advise.
There's a voltage drop across the rectifier tube. Don't remember how much,
I'm pretty sure someone else will reply with that info. To use a 4001 you'd
probably need to add a resistor to drop the voltage.

Have you tried Antique Radio Supply for the tube?

Mark Z.

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"Locrian" <> wrote in message
I have an old tube radio and the rectifier tube EZ80 is dead.
I can't find a new tube.
So, can i replace it with two common diodes such as 1n4001 ?
or i have to make more tweaks on the circuit ?
Thanks on advise.
"Locrian" <> wrote in message
I have an old tube radio and the rectifier tube EZ80 is dead.
I can't find a new tube.
So, can i replace it with two common diodes such as 1n4001 ?
or i have to make more tweaks on the circuit ?
Thanks on advise.
Antique Electronics Supply has it for under $10.00. There are are a host of
tube suppliers on the net, many would have it for even less $$. You could
replace it with a pair of 1N4007's, your B+ voltage would be somewhat high,
in most cases this is not problem however.


Replacing with 1N4007's and series resistors
would have another risk. It can damage other
values in the unit because the HT comes on
at the instant power is applied, before the
other valves warm up. This cold cathode
operation may shorten the life of the rest
of the valves.

Series resistors with the necessary temperature
coefficient are available to overcome this, as
they warm up, the resistance falls allowing the
HT to build up gradually. But finding the correct
resistors for the job is probably harder than
replacing the valve.


Locrian wrote:

I have an old tube radio and the rectifier tube EZ80 is dead.
I can't find a new tube.
So, can i replace it with two common diodes such as 1n4001 ?
or i have to make more tweaks on the circuit ?
Thanks on advise.

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