Replaced my Sony 55w802A mainboard what next

I replaced the main board on my sony 55w802A with a 47w802A. The TV comes on and even flashed SONY across the screen once while trying to reset it to factory setting. However, it usually comes up and does one white flash followed by about 1/2 second intervals of green/amber. I think I need to replace its firmware. I have the firmware on a USB device and have put in in the USB port. However, I can't seem to get further then this following instructions on how to update firmware. If tried unplug 1 min and plug back in and hold up arrow and press power on. This does nothing. No text on screen. I have other replacement parts from a 47 inch model and am willing to replace these too. But it really seems like all i need is a s/w update. I assume all the s/w is the firmware. I'm I correct?

Any advice welcome?
First of asll these things are a pain in the ass. Second of all Sony is a pai in the ass.

The different model, hel there could be ONE wire coming from the power supply that wiull make all the aprts incompatible. They all do this, you need the serial number to get parts. Just 1,000 away in serial numbers might make the parts non interchangable.

They all do that but Sny is a fucking expert at it.

I made a shitload of money fixing TVs in previous decades. I KNOW WTF I am doing. I KNOW whatt hey did and how, and I have proof.

My current advice is to never ever try to fix a TV at all now. They are toasters. Get the longest extended warranty you can and save the box becasue under warranty EVEN THEY CANNOT FIX IT. You will be getting a new TV.

The way it is now, you try putting the firmware from one model inbto another you got about an 80 % chance of bricking the mainboard.

I do not have a TV anymore. Just gt a bigger PC moinitor and watch everything on the net. Fuvk TV.

And this from someone who made a hell of a good living on TVs for a LOOOONG time. I did mods, I made shit work when the manufacturer intended fro it not to work, I BEAT T??HEM. I on many battles but in the end, they won the war.

Buy the cheapest piece of shit TV you can and throw it in the garbage as soon as the warranty is up. Even if it works.

That's if you really must have one of those pieces of suiot around you.

Same for stereos. If it is not 30 years old, throw it in the fucking trash. It is either junk or so clogged up with "features" you can't even find the stereo in there. And it takes a fucking month just to learn how to work the goddamn thing.

Fuck al this shit.
On Tuesday, June 9, 2015 at 2:33:58 PM UTC-4, wrote:
I replaced the main board on my sony 55w802A with a 47w802A. The TV comes on and even flashed SONY across the screen once while trying to reset it to factory setting. However, it usually comes up and does one white flash followed by about 1/2 second intervals of green/amber. I think I need to replace its firmware. I have the firmware on a USB device and have put in in the USB port. However, I can't seem to get further then this following instructions on how to update firmware. If tried unplug 1 min and plug back in and hold up arrow and press power on. This does nothing. No text on screen. I have other replacement parts from a 47 inch model and am willing to replace these too. But it really seems like all i need is a s/w update. I assume all the s/w is the firmware. I'm I correct?

Any advice welcome?

I'm bitter too. I'm 69 now and I fixed my first set when I was 13. Then in High School in Junior year they offered a TV repair course. It soon got so the teacher wouldn't call on me anymore because I knew all the answers. He and I would compare notes and discuss service calls after class. I got 95 in one semester and 100 in the next. Good thing too because of the way I slept through and blew off the academics. This brought my average up above 65 anyway.

Back then a service call was 3.00 and tubes were 1.60, and if you walked away from a call with 5.00 You were doing well. I didn't drive until I was 18 so I'd put the tube caddy in a supermarket shopping cart and walk to the call. I grew up in The Bronx so everything was done within the neighborhood and was within walking distance.

Throughout my career I had many different types of electronics jobs, but regardless of what I ever did at any given time I continued to do TV repairs on the side. Then in 1983 I got fired from my last job by the LAST asshole boss I said that I would ever have. I went full time for myself, and just like Jurb, (who by the way helped me out a lot back in those days on this forum with tough dogs)I too made a decent living up until a few years ago doing TV repairs.

At times I used to do 30 sets a month. Now with all the cheap crap coming out of China, (which I'm convinced is specifically designed to fail as soon as the warranty period is up), a great many sets are now BER before they're even unpacked. Who's going to pay 200.00 to fix a 300.00 set? It simply goes in the hopper, along with my dwindling income. These days I'm lucky if I see 30 sets a Year.

These days, engineering is shit, parts are NLA after three years, there is no longer much if any manufacturer support, and customers have dumped their old reliable tube sets by the truckload and succumbed to this wave of imported "uneconomical to repair" shit. Actually that's not completely true. Some parts are available. However, they're so fucking expensive as to make many repairs uneconomical. So I might get a 50.00 diagnosis fee and then they come and pick up the set. Or they try to stick me with it saying "you can have it for parts". Like I need another boat anchor in my basement. And this might happen twice a month.

So here I am on a Thursday morning. Instead of working down in the shop I'm sitting here on the couch in my underwear writing this. At 69 I'm not about to reinvent myself, so for what it's worth I'm hanging in there.

Hey now's the time to resurrect those old HO trains for my grandson, fix those old RCA 630 chassis I've had in the basement from day 1, repair my RC plane and fly it again, etc, etc. I've got plenty to do, and although sure, I'm bitter too, what the fuck, life goes on, doesn't it? Lenny
I really didn't want to sound like a whiner, but it comes out how it comes out. Not all that easy finding ones self obsolete. Like that episode of Twilight Zone where the Nazi type guy is up at a desk and they get this librarian before him claiming he is obsolete. They never did go into what was to become of him but I think the Naziist unifom alluded to the fact that it was not going to be pleasant. Of course later that guy is dowwn there ansd they are calling him obsolete. Name was Wordsworrth in the story and played by someone famous, Swiazey ? Short guy and I seem to remember hi saying lke "Tkaes a licking ad keeps on ticking".

At any rate, it is bad enough that we don't build anything here anymore, and now it is getting to the point where we can't fix anything either. Another reference to scifi - those old races who needed to kidnap humans because they could no longer repair the machines left by their ancestors. Maybe the neveer could be repaired in the first place. Seems like Earth wil be that way someday.

Bottom line isd we are not coming back. There is no turning back the hands of time, and this was a one way street. They are not going to eliminate the advances in technology that allows one person to do the work of ten, that would be stupid. And they are not going to pay peolle $35 an hours to sweep floors and flip burgers. Machines will do the rest, for noting an hour. Just pour in the raw amterials ad make sure it doesn't make any funny noises. When one of your seven machines makes noise or a light goes on, you cann one of the three people in the whole company who know what they're doing.

Going the Luddite way is not really right either, things are more efficient.. It is not a time to go back to wasting energy. so we are stuck wit it.

I am not 69. You might get SS now which should help a bit but it is not easy to go from making $50,000 a yeear to $1,500 a month. At least medical is taken care of, because they made a REAL ness out f that. the ACA is going to see medicsal rates go through the roof because now there are more pockets to pick. I am 54 and ir is just a little too far off for me to get my check but truthfully I won't get that much because I have been a non-taxpayer for a long time. that is a long story how to do that and actually for themoney I made it wasn't worth it. For my buddy it was worth it but he made like five times what I made. Of course, there is a chance I won't live to get it. And my eyesight is so bad I don't even want to ride a bicycle now, but they still are not going to give me disability. Maybe if I get some shoe polish and gian a drug addiction, but dammit, I don't even tsake aspirin. If beer and toking don't make me fell better then I don't feel better. All natural y'see.

But back to the topic. I now have a little job at a music srtore fixing amps and effects, mixing boards and all that. The occasional keyboard as well. I am making about half of whart I made per hour ten years ago. What's mote they are clueless about the service industry. they do not charge a checkout fee which is a nono in my book, and I see ion some tickets "call if over $20". WTF dothey think ?i make, $2 an hour ? Or that I am independently wealthy and do this for fun ? I had to move back in with family just to make it. The only nice thing I can say about it is that atleast I don't have to bust ass to justify my pay. And from what I heard, even though I came in pretty much green to the field I have much surpassed my predecessor. They still don't know. I have one amp in there that need an Icepower module which costs almost what they charged for it when they sold it, and it did not go bad by itself. the customer should be paying for the pat at the very least. And if they don't charge him and he does it again, what then ? I say reach into the guy's pocket and teach him not to do whatevr it was. Phil Allison thinks maybe the idiot plugged a speaker out into the input judgeing by where the burn marks were near the inpur side of the board. Either that or a lighrtning strike induced something trhough ground.

And then we have on we sold and the guy thought maybbe warranty because I gues, it is pretty new. Tube hybrid. Sent it to the ASC call Empirical sound ho charges a $20 fee. for that they said manufacturer will not help, bulging caps.

Bullshit, it had ONE bulging cap on the negative sie of a split supply and blown fuses to the rects on that source. Junped it out and the bulging cap is getting hot. changed it and it orks fine. The negative source almost assudredly has less load on it so the voltage climbed more on that source DURING THE POWER SURGE. these people do not understand when I say the thing did not blow on its own, I know WTF I am talking about. I can prove it to insurance companies, though I? have no paper credentials. I'll walk them though it on the stand if necessary. But what are they going to do ? I bet they don't even charge the guy twenty bucks like the other place did to NOT fix it.

Andf agian I have been offered autonmy. Run the service but you have to fix X amount of their shit to pay rent. No way Jose'. First of all they would ever pay my rates or get pissed off and say the renyt is ten fgrand a month.. If I am responsible for profit and loss I would just as son have my own place. Period.

Andnow ther eis the internet. I just got done doing a Mitsubishi Interplay system. you can't get the output IC so I retrofitted newer ICs in it. However I had to fix the cassette which was no fun, and I thre a set of blts in the turtable. And then UPS fucked it up on the way back. And it was $300 for the round trip ! I fixed it, but thios time we went and drove and met the guy halfway. Fuck all that.

Now I might have a Sony receiver coming wiht a bad OP AMP in the tone circuit. Hopefull this goes better. It is smaller, it is not as fragile, AND these components are not power, they do not need to be on the heat sink or anything. we'll see how that goes.

But really, TVs are a thing of the past. At one time it wwas fun with Grampa. Old Geezer used to go scrapping. He did not need the money at all but kept busy. got those aluinum lawn chairs out the garbage, stripped them and took in the aluminum. He started getting TVs as well. We played in the baement until one day he hands me some money. "What is this ?". "That TV we fixed, I sold it, here's your cut". Working but didn't even know it ! used to go over there on Saturdays and just hang around. they all doted over my sdister because she was the first girl born in the family for deades. All of our cousins are male except one, who is younger than my sister. Hey, too late.. (by about two years for all that attention)

So I have no idea what to do. At least my overhead is now nil. I still have a shitload of tools, including the olman's machines. the lathe is crappy butit works, and a little Chinese mini milling machine. Friend of mine is talking going into some business involving a 3D printer so that might fit in nicely for making mechanical parts.

All I know is the money is in what most people can do. the fewer who can do it the better. the only thing that made me in the TV business is that I could do what the other techs could not.

Though I didn't get all that money, the guy woith the Mits literally has $600 into it. Nobody else would touch it. So many are stuck in that geting the right part. When I was at ELectrasound I said somethignlike "All you gotta do is... ..." and their response was "See the name on the TV ? You want to take that name off and put yours on it ?".

Well to that I say when they won't sell you the parts or make them too expensive, they already took their name off of it. And they know, peole, at least soem people, are getting ore resourceful. It is really like that in other countries from what I hear. So mnow it is software. they are gong to get you in software. And I found evidence of a self destuct mechanism in a Mits DLP. Most people do not think about the engineering and why they do this and that, but I DO. Witness :

What is the purpose of R9088 and C9087 ? It is totaly unnecessary for regulation, it passes no DC. there should be very little ripple there, but when C9015 develps a little ESR it is gong to affect regulation and make the voltage, most likely drop a bit under certain conditions, like when cold.

Then the effect on the firmware is goiung to be like an older PC when the CMOS battery starts to get low. Sure it might stop boting, but another high possiblity is the dat will be corrupted. And data corruption was a cnnom failure in that model.

Some wuill say that network stabilises the power supply. While that may be true though totaly unnecessary it has a quite useful function as far as the manufacturer is concerned, it causes a failure, and that will likely be out of warranty.

This is how they can do things insidiously. For decades I have been saying it is a war between servicers and manufacturers. Like when they put electrolytics right near a heatsink. What did they think waas gong to happen ? EXACTLY WHAT DID HAPPEN.

I for one, am sick of it. And people buy this shit. and they whine about no jobs. Well they got it coming. Back 35 yeears ago when they looked at TVs in the store and saw a Zenith for $279 and a Sanyo for $249, they pocketed that $30 and had a good time with it. How's that working out for your kids skinflint ? Now we got nothing.

And they are talking about gong to war ? Iran ? Iraq broke our back. And Iran would never shoot off a nuke because they know what would happen next, but the warmongers don't want to try to pump oil out of a glass parking lot. that is what is REALLY going on. Iran is no threat at all, even ex Mossad people are saying that.

And now, in a way I give up. I bitch about Israel so much people think I am anti-Semite. I am not and actualy am considering voting for Bernie Sanders.. Seriously, he is quite socialistic but it seem the only way now after what's been done has been done. there is no turning back. We do not have the industry. And it is not coming back.

there are so many reasons. First of all we do not have the infrastructure and by that I mean more than roads and electricity n shit. I mean a competent and willing workforce. Employees you don't have to watch every mibnute or they'll steal your tyools. Punch in and out each other's time cards. Sue over a snide remark. TRY to get hurt on the job to get comp. See this is what we have today.

so moving overseas where people are hungry is a good ove, and ever since the Doidge brothers sued Ford and won, if they can make more mony doing it they must or they will be ousted in the next vote. The CEOs simply cannot operate in the best interest of the country, they must maximize profits art all costs.

And they are lilling the goose that laid the golden eggs. The MOST lucrative market on the planet is almost dead. Peole used to pay cash for new cars, even houses ! Nopw they have to put gasoline for the cars on credit.

I have seen alot of change in my day, notably shorter of course, but I don't like it anyway. Really, even though Bermie Sanders is a socialist, he cannot turn this cuntry into a socialist country any more than Obama could take away the gunbs or Bush could make abortion illegal. the President sinmply does not have that much power. and that's a good thig. I think Sanders is at least loyal to the US. More loyal than Romnaey, more loyal than Hillary. Either of those two would start WW3. I think Bernie knows how to count. The state of california has more debt than Russia, and Russia is already preparing for war after the US' antics in Ukraine. Theyare abotu to break out the sub killing helicopters they mothboaled due to traty many years ago. thik of all the cool modofocations they can make to them now. Don't anyone kid yourself, Russia is no slouch ehne it comes to technology. And you can cite all the half trillion dollar offense budget of the US, but they pay $600 for a tilet seat. you think Putin would put up with thet ? And Putin is one of the few very competent world leaders now. HE is a real SOB but I really think that now he got his, he wants to do what is right for Russia. After all he was born there. The only recent President we've had that is anywhere in the league with Purtin was George H W Bush and his loyalty was NOT to the US, it was to big oil.

This next war is gong to be a big one, but there will be one nice thing about it. The world won't be overpopulated so. But it doens't look good. the other side will have Russia, China, India and Pakistan at the very least.

These days, I think the older you are the better. And I have no kids. I can just make some popcorn and sit back. Almost ANY next President will start WW3. Bernie Sanders ? Well let's see if he has any chance. I suspect they are going to treat him like Ron Paul in the debates and that will take care of that.

On Thu, 11 Jun 2015 06:30:06 -0700 (PDT),

On Tuesday, June 9, 2015 at 2:33:58 PM UTC-4, wrote:
I replaced the main board on my sony 55w802A with a 47w802A. The TV comes on and even flashed SONY across the screen once while trying to reset it to factory setting. However, it usually comes up and does one white flash followed by about 1/2 second intervals of green/amber. I think I need to replace its firmware. I have the firmware on a USB device and have put in in the USB port. However, I can't seem to get further then this following instructions on how to update firmware. If tried unplug 1 min and plug back in and hold up arrow and press power on. This does nothing. No text on screen. I have other replacement parts from a 47 inch model and am willing to replace these too. But it really seems like all i need is a s/w update. I assume all the s/w is the firmware. I'm I correct?

Any advice welcome?

I'm bitter too. I'm 69 now and I fixed my first set when I was 13. Then in High School in Junior year they offered a TV repair course. It soon got so the teacher wouldn't call on me anymore because I knew all the answers. He and I would compare notes and discuss service calls after class. I got 95 in one semester and 100 in the next. Good thing too because of the way I slept through and blew off the academics. This brought my average up above 65 anyway.

Back then a service call was 3.00 and tubes were 1.60, and if you walked away from a call with 5.00 You were doing well. I didn't drive until I was 18 so I'd put the tube caddy in a supermarket shopping cart and walk to the call. I grew up in The Bronx so everything was done within the neighborhood and was within walking distance.

Throughout my career I had many different types of electronics jobs, but regardless of what I ever did at any given time I continued to do TV repairs on the side. Then in 1983 I got fired from my last job by the LAST asshole boss I said that I would ever have. I went full time for myself, and just like Jurb, (who by the way helped me out a lot back in those days on this forum with tough dogs)I too made a decent living up until a few years ago doing TV repairs.

At times I used to do 30 sets a month. Now with all the cheap crap coming out of China, (which I'm convinced is specifically designed to fail as soon as the warranty period is up), a great many sets are now BER before they're even unpacked. Who's going to pay 200.00 to fix a 300.00 set? It simply goes in the hopper, along with my dwindling income. These days I'm lucky if I see 30 sets a Year.

These days, engineering is shit, parts are NLA after three years, there is no longer much if any manufacturer support, and customers have dumped their old reliable tube sets by the truckload and succumbed to this wave of imported "uneconomical to repair" shit. Actually that's not completely true. Some parts are available. However, they're so fucking expensive as to make many repairs uneconomical. So I might get a 50.00 diagnosis fee and then they come and pick up the set. Or they try to stick me with it saying "you can have it for parts". Like I need another boat anchor in my basement. And this might happen twice a month.

So here I am on a Thursday morning. Instead of working down in the shop I'm sitting here on the couch in my underwear writing this. At 69 I'm not about to reinvent myself, so for what it's worth I'm hanging in there.

Hey now's the time to resurrect those old HO trains for my grandson, fix those old RCA 630 chassis I've had in the basement from day 1, repair my RC plane and fly it again, etc, etc. I've got plenty to do, and although sure, I'm bitter too, what the fuck, life goes on, doesn't it? Lenny

Wasn't it great back in the 80s? The company I worked for did over
95% warranty work on televisions. Hitachi paid $50.00 dollars per set
for labor and were the quickest to fix, AOC paid $35.00, Phillips paid
40.00 major, $20.00 minor. The tech got 42% of the labor and I
completed between 8 and 9 sets a day on average. The company paid
completely for health insurance. A friend of mine got testicular
cancer from the cleaning chemicals we used on car stereos. Our
insurance company paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to save his
life including months at a treatment center in Houston. He didn't pay
a cent. I make less now than I did then, not counting inflation, and
I don't enjoy the work I am doing as a server administrator. The
insurance I have now kept my wife from having a vital treatment for
months when she had cancer. I guess they were hoping she would die. I
really miss scrupulous companies, repairable products and being a

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
"Chuck" <> wrote in message
On Thu, 11 Jun 2015 06:30:06 -0700 (PDT),

On Tuesday, June 9, 2015 at 2:33:58 PM UTC-4, wrote:
I replaced the main board on my sony 55w802A with a 47w802A. The TV
comes on and even flashed SONY across the screen once while trying to
reset it to factory setting. However, it usually comes up and does one
white flash followed by about 1/2 second intervals of green/amber. I
think I need to replace its firmware. I have the firmware on a USB
device and have put in in the USB port. However, I can't seem to get
further then this following instructions on how to update firmware. If
tried unplug 1 min and plug back in and hold up arrow and press power
on. This does nothing. No text on screen. I have other replacement parts
from a 47 inch model and am willing to replace these too. But it really
seems like all i need is a s/w update. I assume all the s/w is the
firmware. I'm I correct?

Any advice welcome?

I'm bitter too. I'm 69 now and I fixed my first set when I was 13. Then in
High School in Junior year they offered a TV repair course. It soon got
so the teacher wouldn't call on me anymore because I knew all the answers.
He and I would compare notes and discuss service calls after class. I got
95 in one semester and 100 in the next. Good thing too because of the way
I slept through and blew off the academics. This brought my average up
above 65 anyway.

Back then a service call was 3.00 and tubes were 1.60, and if you walked
away from a call with 5.00 You were doing well. I didn't drive until I was
18 so I'd put the tube caddy in a supermarket shopping cart and walk to
the call. I grew up in The Bronx so everything was done within the
neighborhood and was within walking distance.

Throughout my career I had many different types of electronics jobs, but
regardless of what I ever did at any given time I continued to do TV
repairs on the side. Then in 1983 I got fired from my last job by the LAST
asshole boss I said that I would ever have. I went full time for myself,
and just like Jurb, (who by the way helped me out a lot back in those days
on this forum with tough dogs)I too made a decent living up until a few
years ago doing TV repairs.

At times I used to do 30 sets a month. Now with all the cheap crap coming
out of China, (which I'm convinced is specifically designed to fail as
soon as the warranty period is up), a great many sets are now BER before
they're even unpacked. Who's going to pay 200.00 to fix a 300.00 set? It
simply goes in the hopper, along with my dwindling income. These days I'm
lucky if I see 30 sets a Year.

These days, engineering is shit, parts are NLA after three years, there is
no longer much if any manufacturer support, and customers have dumped
their old reliable tube sets by the truckload and succumbed to this wave
of imported "uneconomical to repair" shit. Actually that's not completely
true. Some parts are available. However, they're so fucking expensive as
to make many repairs uneconomical. So I might get a 50.00 diagnosis fee
and then they come and pick up the set. Or they try to stick me with it
saying "you can have it for parts". Like I need another boat anchor in my
basement. And this might happen twice a month.

So here I am on a Thursday morning. Instead of working down in the shop
I'm sitting here on the couch in my underwear writing this. At 69 I'm not
about to reinvent myself, so for what it's worth I'm hanging in there.

Hey now's the time to resurrect those old HO trains for my grandson, fix
those old RCA 630 chassis I've had in the basement from day 1, repair my
RC plane and fly it again, etc, etc. I've got plenty to do, and although
sure, I'm bitter too, what the fuck, life goes on, doesn't it? Lenny

Wasn't it great back in the 80s? The company I worked for did over
95% warranty work on televisions. Hitachi paid $50.00 dollars per set
for labor and were the quickest to fix, AOC paid $35.00, Phillips paid
40.00 major, $20.00 minor. The tech got 42% of the labor and I
completed between 8 and 9 sets a day on average. The company paid
completely for health insurance. A friend of mine got testicular
cancer from the cleaning chemicals we used on car stereos. Our
insurance company paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to save his
life including months at a treatment center in Houston. He didn't pay
a cent. I make less now than I did then, not counting inflation, and
I don't enjoy the work I am doing as a server administrator. The
insurance I have now kept my wife from having a vital treatment for
months when she had cancer. I guess they were hoping she would die. I
really miss scrupulous companies, repairable products and being a

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

We had a few very good years between about 2005 and 2009. Extended and
regular warranties, lots of sets worth fixing.

Health insurance plus bonuses.

When the economy tanked it all went away. Never came back.

The extended warranty companies found cheaper ways of doing things, sets got
even cheaper, manufacturers quit field service in favor of depot service or
just replacement.

We're down to about three companies for which we do warranty service, and
they don't pay shit for the most part.

We're down from five technicians to two, my partner / co-owner and myself.
We work longer, make much less, and have to put up with the constant stream
of shitheads who've been on Youtube and think they can fix it themselves,
and the rest who are simply cheapskates.

Just trying to hang on til retirement.

Mark Z.

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