Kelly and Sandy
Dear Usenetters,
I have a 5-octave Yamaha Portatone PSR-220 (touch-sensitive keys).
It's four or five years old. I'm writing from England.
A pair of adjacent keys has gone intermittently "funny" recently.
They are the B flat and A keys, above middle C. It's a bit hard to
describe exactly what I mean by "funny", but when it goes wrong (which
is most times now) the B flat only plays when you _release_ the key, and
then the adjacent A plays two notes in succession (B flat and then A).
I've opened the Portatone up, to get a look at the keyboard. I can
see that you can, somehow, replace individual keys. (But how?!) The
keys are modularized into octave units. But undoing sets of screws and
tugging at various bits hasn't budged it with any signs of promise, so
far. I'm afraid to pull on anything any harder, because it's a lovely
little machine, so I'm writing this letter instead.
How do you change individual Yamaha Portatone keys? How to remove
and take apart the octave units of the keyboard to see exactly what the
problem is. I half suspect the fault has something to do with the
touch-sensitive mechanism under each key. But I can't see any of it
without getting at least one key off.
In the immortal words of Max Bialystock...
With kind regards,
P.S. I do not subscribe to "throw it away and buy another one"
Sandy Anderson <junk.rubbish@alma-services.abel.co.uk>
(Yorkshire, England)
Where there is no vision, the people perish.
I have a 5-octave Yamaha Portatone PSR-220 (touch-sensitive keys).
It's four or five years old. I'm writing from England.
A pair of adjacent keys has gone intermittently "funny" recently.
They are the B flat and A keys, above middle C. It's a bit hard to
describe exactly what I mean by "funny", but when it goes wrong (which
is most times now) the B flat only plays when you _release_ the key, and
then the adjacent A plays two notes in succession (B flat and then A).
I've opened the Portatone up, to get a look at the keyboard. I can
see that you can, somehow, replace individual keys. (But how?!) The
keys are modularized into octave units. But undoing sets of screws and
tugging at various bits hasn't budged it with any signs of promise, so
far. I'm afraid to pull on anything any harder, because it's a lovely
little machine, so I'm writing this letter instead.
How do you change individual Yamaha Portatone keys? How to remove
and take apart the octave units of the keyboard to see exactly what the
problem is. I half suspect the fault has something to do with the
touch-sensitive mechanism under each key. But I can't see any of it
without getting at least one key off.
In the immortal words of Max Bialystock...
With kind regards,
P.S. I do not subscribe to "throw it away and buy another one"
Sandy Anderson <junk.rubbish@alma-services.abel.co.uk>
(Yorkshire, England)
Where there is no vision, the people perish.