Ken G.
Service manuals & a bit of equipment . This seems almost impossible
these days . 20 year ago & on back you could repair this stuff pretty
well with just a multimeter and alot of experience .
The older electronics are fading away faster due to lack of parts and
cost of repairs . Have you seen inside a 20 year old tv set these days !
you HAVE to take it outside & spend time cleaning it out before you can
even see the parts . My brother runs a repair shop with no equipment
or manuals ... i wonder how long that will last ? ... cant change
surface mount chips with a weller soldering 2 speed gun
these days . 20 year ago & on back you could repair this stuff pretty
well with just a multimeter and alot of experience .
The older electronics are fading away faster due to lack of parts and
cost of repairs . Have you seen inside a 20 year old tv set these days !
you HAVE to take it outside & spend time cleaning it out before you can
even see the parts . My brother runs a repair shop with no equipment
or manuals ... i wonder how long that will last ? ... cant change
surface mount chips with a weller soldering 2 speed gun