I have a piece of gear that uses a "cable" consisting of printed circuit
traces laminated between two pieces of dark orange plastic (Kynar???).
The cable was torn in two, and I need to repair it. If I could remove
about an eighth of an inch of the insulation on one side of each end, I
could lap them and solder the conductors. The plastic it totally
resistant to every solvent I have on hand, and a 750F soldering iron has
no effect.
Does anybody know of a solvent for the plastic, or some other way to
strip the traces?
traces laminated between two pieces of dark orange plastic (Kynar???).
The cable was torn in two, and I need to repair it. If I could remove
about an eighth of an inch of the insulation on one side of each end, I
could lap them and solder the conductors. The plastic it totally
resistant to every solvent I have on hand, and a 750F soldering iron has
no effect.
Does anybody know of a solvent for the plastic, or some other way to
strip the traces?