Remote controls aftermarket/legacy/grey market



I found a very reasonably priced UK supplier of a rare r/c, previous
Googling just showed one apparent OEM device in the USA for 60 USD plus
whatever postage etc IIRC.
This one , I had to break into for curiosity, uses a SONIX SN8PC20SG
full data out there, and little else. Programming via 4 pads accessible
via the battery compartment, so 4 data lines for that and the other 13
data lines for presumably 5x8 matrix 40 keypad. What is the process of
going from LIRC or some other R/C database or OEM or learner r/c from an
original to getting data inside one of these one-time learner R/Cs. Or
some other more general process?
On 17/03/2014 07:36, N_Cook wrote:
I found a very reasonably priced UK supplier of a rare r/c, previous
Googling just showed one apparent OEM device in the USA for 60 USD plus
whatever postage etc IIRC.
This one , I had to break into for curiosity, uses a SONIX SN8PC20SG
full data out there, and little else. Programming via 4 pads accessible
via the battery compartment, so 4 data lines for that and the other 13
data lines for presumably 5x8 matrix 40 keypad. What is the process of
going from LIRC or some other R/C database or OEM or learner r/c from an
original to getting data inside one of these one-time learner R/Cs. Or
some other more general process?

A bit more

"rm series" "remote control" in google shows there is a generic physical
form of 40 keys or higher keypad counts and within them subsets with
differing legends for DVD/TV etc , for hundreds of different makes and
models within those subsets. Just the data must be different inside and
a different RMC number. Not all functions are necessarily present eg my
one has no PiP function that is on the original r/c but never used
anyway, but it does have the vital Menu and Enter key.
What an enterprising idea on someone's part. I just wonder what lies
behind the data accumulation/distribution, part of the dark web?
If they pulled the data off "universal " r/c s then it was not on one
of the 5 or 6 "universals" that I tried.
A market stall near me has a few boxes of hundreds of assorted used r/cs
for 1 or 2 quid each. Perhaps something like that or a large charity
shop that gets hundreds of donated units with remotes , but are not
sellable, is the source of the data. But usually like that only the
maker name is there , not the unit model number that those r/cs relate to

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