remote control interface src-9200


Alex Bird


I've recently been trying to figure out the 'transfer' connection of
the SRC-9200 remote control (sold as sunwave, u-command 515, cambridge
audio M1+ etc.)
I haven't got beyond figuring out the io connections, and recording
the signal which triggers a transfer. It doesn't seem to respond to
me playing this signal into it; I was hoping for a dump of data! I
think I will need two of them, and to eavedrop on the link, the cost
of this doesn't appeal to me.
The reason for this is that I have a awkward remote, it doesn't use a
carrier as most modern remotes do. It's very hard to learn this into
the remote, but watching the output of the ir detector in the device
itself, it gets quite close. If I could enter the timings myself, I'm
sure it would work. No, I'm not buying a pronto.

What is my legal position if I publish what I have already discovered
on the web? The manufacturers won't supply this info, but surely they
don't have the right to stop others finding out?


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