remote changing


Matt H

hi all,
a couple of nights ago i was at someones watching tv when teh
channels changed automaticly which i thought was strange anyway i looked
outside and saw someone over the road changing the channels with a remote my
question is this is it possible that univeral remote can change the channels
if they know the brand of tv or the people have made some kind of remote
that can change tv remotes which its not a bad practical joke

any information would be appreciated

Matt H wrote:
hi all,
a couple of nights ago i was at someones watching tv when teh
channels changed automaticly which i thought was strange anyway i looked
outside and saw someone over the road changing the channels with a remote my
question is this is it possible that univeral remote can change the channels
if they know the brand of tv or the people have made some kind of remote
that can change tv remotes which its not a bad practical joke

any information would be appreciated

Some remotes are already pre-programmed with certain makes and models
But considering that remotes are IR based, it is unlikely they would
work from that sort of distance anyway. Some barely work in the same

Dave :)
"Matt H" <> wrote in message
hi all,
a couple of nights ago i was at someones watching tv when teh
channels changed automaticly which i thought was strange anyway i looked
outside and saw someone over the road changing the channels with a remote
question is this is it possible that univeral remote can change the
if they know the brand of tv or the people have made some kind of remote
that can change tv remotes which its not a bad practical joke

any information would be appreciated


I would look in the room first. Did they have compact fluorescent globes?
These can sometimes play havoc with remote control devices.

Some people have made a device that spits out the 'off' command for most TVs
one after another as a protest of TVs invading pubs.

hey mikegw,
yea they have no compact fluorescent globes lights were
not even on at the time either

matt h

"Matt H" <> wrote in message
hi all,
a couple of nights ago i was at someones watching tv when teh
channels changed automaticly which i thought was strange anyway i looked
outside and saw someone over the road changing the channels with a remote
my question is this is it possible that univeral remote can change the
channels if they know the brand of tv or the people have made some kind of
remote that can change tv remotes which its not a bad practical joke

any information would be appreciated


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