Gidday All,
I again remind you thru this Posting of this dishonest
person who will not initiate a "retraction" AND eBay General Policy
allows his LIES to remain in the public Domain.
Warning : Beware of this eBay "client" !
eBay User : tj581
Rear Lane 225 Lambton Road
New Lambton NSW 2305, Australia
(02) 4956 1570
I recently sold 30 or so Items on eBay Au and eBay US.
This Buyer won a single Lot, was not happy with his purchase, blamed
me for HIS decision to Bid and then lodged FALSE & LIBELOUS Feedback
regarding no Tax Invoice being provided.
I'm in Business and consequently I'm obliged under Australian Taxation
Law to provide a Tax Invoice for ALL purchases over $50 value. I met
this obligation !!!
In a subsequent Email, this Buyer admitted his mistake because the Tax
Invoice had indeed been issued yet he refuses to withdraw/retract his
malicious Feedback !!
This Buyer is a LIAR !!!
He has lodged this FALSE & LIBELOUS Negative Feedback against me :
User: tj581( 99)
Date: Apr-12-03 03:29:05 PDT
Item: 2517180459
Complaint: Bad attitude, poor service. Charges GST but gives no tax
inv. Who's he kidding?
eBay Customer Service .. offer me (the victim) no assistance...
hiding behind General Policy that effectively states they can and will
do nothing because the author is responsible for this Posting and only
HE can initiate a retraction/modification.
But wait - It get's worse !!
The punitive action taken by this Buyer in lodging FALSE and frivolous
Negative Feedback is now a PERMANENT slur against my name.
eBay will NOT REMOVE this report - even if a retraction is lodged.
eBay Policy permits "indeed it promotes" the abuse
of the Feedback mechanism by irresponsible individuals to the
detriment of other honest & sincere clients.
Consequently, any disgruntled Buyer/Seller can lodge a
FALSE and LIBELOUS Feedback against another party with total impunity
and the victim has no recourse to have this punitive record removed.
Even with a "retraction" the Negative Feedback statistic (multiple ?)
is PERMANENT - it's forever !!!!!!!!!
eBay's suggested course of action : make my Feedback "Private" !
Wow ! That's a great solution. Hide it... so people can ask why !!
What a farce - eBay !!!!!!
I've have been unfairly penalised by eBay "General Policy" AND the
idiots who abuse the weaknesses of their system.
May I suggest to sympathetic readers that the only way this punitive
process can be changed for the better is for "postive" Feedback be
forwarded to eBay Customer Service at their advertised Contact point
of :
In concluding this advisory, since this Buyer has chosen not to
retract.... and eBay offers me NO ASSISTANCE nor justice, I
reluctantly resort to warning others of both the Buyers dishonesty AND
eBay's pathetic and punitive Feedback policy as it affects honest
Beware - TONY TYTER :
eBay User : tj581
Alan Devlin.
RF RESALE... where Honesty & Integrity are paramount !
Melbourne, Australia.
I again remind you thru this Posting of this dishonest
person who will not initiate a "retraction" AND eBay General Policy
allows his LIES to remain in the public Domain.
Warning : Beware of this eBay "client" !
eBay User : tj581
Rear Lane 225 Lambton Road
New Lambton NSW 2305, Australia
(02) 4956 1570
I recently sold 30 or so Items on eBay Au and eBay US.
This Buyer won a single Lot, was not happy with his purchase, blamed
me for HIS decision to Bid and then lodged FALSE & LIBELOUS Feedback
regarding no Tax Invoice being provided.
I'm in Business and consequently I'm obliged under Australian Taxation
Law to provide a Tax Invoice for ALL purchases over $50 value. I met
this obligation !!!
In a subsequent Email, this Buyer admitted his mistake because the Tax
Invoice had indeed been issued yet he refuses to withdraw/retract his
malicious Feedback !!
This Buyer is a LIAR !!!
He has lodged this FALSE & LIBELOUS Negative Feedback against me :
User: tj581( 99)
Date: Apr-12-03 03:29:05 PDT
Item: 2517180459
Complaint: Bad attitude, poor service. Charges GST but gives no tax
inv. Who's he kidding?
eBay Customer Service .. offer me (the victim) no assistance...
hiding behind General Policy that effectively states they can and will
do nothing because the author is responsible for this Posting and only
HE can initiate a retraction/modification.
But wait - It get's worse !!
The punitive action taken by this Buyer in lodging FALSE and frivolous
Negative Feedback is now a PERMANENT slur against my name.
eBay will NOT REMOVE this report - even if a retraction is lodged.
eBay Policy permits "indeed it promotes" the abuse
of the Feedback mechanism by irresponsible individuals to the
detriment of other honest & sincere clients.
Consequently, any disgruntled Buyer/Seller can lodge a
FALSE and LIBELOUS Feedback against another party with total impunity
and the victim has no recourse to have this punitive record removed.
Even with a "retraction" the Negative Feedback statistic (multiple ?)
is PERMANENT - it's forever !!!!!!!!!
eBay's suggested course of action : make my Feedback "Private" !
Wow ! That's a great solution. Hide it... so people can ask why !!
What a farce - eBay !!!!!!
I've have been unfairly penalised by eBay "General Policy" AND the
idiots who abuse the weaknesses of their system.
May I suggest to sympathetic readers that the only way this punitive
process can be changed for the better is for "postive" Feedback be
forwarded to eBay Customer Service at their advertised Contact point
of :
In concluding this advisory, since this Buyer has chosen not to
retract.... and eBay offers me NO ASSISTANCE nor justice, I
reluctantly resort to warning others of both the Buyers dishonesty AND
eBay's pathetic and punitive Feedback policy as it affects honest
Beware - TONY TYTER :
eBay User : tj581
Alan Devlin.
RF RESALE... where Honesty & Integrity are paramount !
Melbourne, Australia.