Relay Toggle Circuit Using a 556 Timer

I'm using your Bill Bowden's "<a href="
homepages/Bill_Bowden/">Relay Toggle Circuit
Using a 556 Timer</a>" to control an effects loop switcher for my
guitar. Here's the circuit<a href="

Could anyone tell me how to replace the momentary pushbutton with a
buffering circuit for a momentary signal? I need the components to
accept a 3V, ~1mA momentary from another component. I need to use the
remote signal to let the 1uF cap charge and discharge and toggle.

I would really appreciate help!
Brian B
On Jan 29, 2:57 pm, wrote:
I'm using your Bill Bowden's "<a href="
homepages/Bill_Bowden/">Relay Toggle Circuit
Using a 556 Timer</a>" to control an effects loop switcher for my
guitar. Here's the circuit<a href="

Could anyone tell me how to replace the momentary pushbutton with a
buffering circuit for a momentary signal? I need the components to
accept a 3V, ~1mA momentary from another component. I need to use the
remote signal to let the 1uF cap charge and discharge and toggle.

I would really appreciate help!
Brian B
The advantage of the 556 circuit is the manual button is debounced so
you don't get double triggering.

If you have a clean trigger signal, you can just use a D flip flop
such as CD4013 to do the toggle. Connect the D bar output to the Data
input and the thing will toggle on every positive edge of the clock
input. It will work with a 3 volt power supply, but you need to buffer
the Q output with a transistor to drive the load.

Take a look at the "CMOS Toggle Flip Flop Using Push Button" on the
same site and just use the lower section. The top section just
debounces the button which you don't need.


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