Reg Edwards
Program METALFLM.exe 41 Kbytes.
This program models small low-wattage wire-ended resistors including
spiralled metal-film resistors. The model's equivalent circuit is a
chain of T and L networks. Values of lumped inductance and stray
capacitance are estimated by the program from the component's physical
The component with it's terminating leads is treated as a lumped L and
C non-uniform transmission line. The program computes input impedance
from 10 KHz up to 5 GHz with the other end grounded. Fast and slow
frequency sweeps are available to observe maxima and minima of Zin.
Max and min Zin are approximately related to the physical length of
the component, including connecting leads, but occur at frequencies
far higher than the usual and useful working frequency range.
The reflection cefficient and standing-wave-ratio are calculated with
reference to Zo, Zo being the DC value of the resistor. The usefulness
of the component as a dummy load or for other purposes at any
frequency can then be ascertained.
The effectiveness versus frequency of solid carbon-rod resistors and
multi-turn UHF chokes, which are of similar wire-end construction, can
also be determined. Chokes can be wound over the bodies of high-value
wire-ended resistors, the parallel resistance value perhaps having
some desirable effect on the ultimate response.
Another use for resistors having a good high frequency response, or at
least a known frequency response, is for ratio arms and switched
resistors in impedance bridges and other measuring instruments.
Download METALFLM in a few seconds and run immediately.
Regards from Reg, G4FGQ
For Free Radio Design Software go to
Program METALFLM.exe 41 Kbytes.
This program models small low-wattage wire-ended resistors including
spiralled metal-film resistors. The model's equivalent circuit is a
chain of T and L networks. Values of lumped inductance and stray
capacitance are estimated by the program from the component's physical
The component with it's terminating leads is treated as a lumped L and
C non-uniform transmission line. The program computes input impedance
from 10 KHz up to 5 GHz with the other end grounded. Fast and slow
frequency sweeps are available to observe maxima and minima of Zin.
Max and min Zin are approximately related to the physical length of
the component, including connecting leads, but occur at frequencies
far higher than the usual and useful working frequency range.
The reflection cefficient and standing-wave-ratio are calculated with
reference to Zo, Zo being the DC value of the resistor. The usefulness
of the component as a dummy load or for other purposes at any
frequency can then be ascertained.
The effectiveness versus frequency of solid carbon-rod resistors and
multi-turn UHF chokes, which are of similar wire-end construction, can
also be determined. Chokes can be wound over the bodies of high-value
wire-ended resistors, the parallel resistance value perhaps having
some desirable effect on the ultimate response.
Another use for resistors having a good high frequency response, or at
least a known frequency response, is for ratio arms and switched
resistors in impedance bridges and other measuring instruments.
Download METALFLM in a few seconds and run immediately.
Regards from Reg, G4FGQ
For Free Radio Design Software go to