regarding arrays..........

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hi i have a problem while using arrays.......

i have a situation where i should convert serial data into parllel
data of 8bits serial bits are converted to i bytes like that i
need alltogether 90bytes.

i can able to convert serila dat to parllel data of 1byte each but i am
facing a problem while converting data of each bytes into array of 90
bytes... and then i have to do the xor operation on each and every bit
of the 90 bytes and store in one bye.

how can i avoide this error which i got while i am coding" type error
resolving index expression

code look like this:

********************************************* serila to parllel data


if (reset= '1') then

dataout <= '0';
temp_pout <= (others =>'0');

elsif(clk'event and clk ='1')then

if (cntr_frame >=0 and cntr_frame<719) then

temp_pout <= temp_pout(6 downto 0) & dataout;

elsif(cntr_frame = 719)then

temp_pout <= (others =>'0');
-- cntr_frame <= 0;
temp_pout <= (others =>'0');
-- cntr_frame <= 0;

end if;

temp_pout <= (others =>'0');
end if;
end process;

dataout_prll <= temp_pout;


process(reset, clk)
if(reset ='1') then

data_out <= (others => '0');
cnt_bytes <= 0;
cnt_bytes1 <= 0;
elsif(clk'event and clk = '1') then

if(cnt_bytes>=0 and cnt_bytes<90) then

data_out(cnt_bytes) <= dataout_prll; -- error-- //
incomplete type of assignment
cnt_bytes1 <= cnt_bytes+1;
data_out(cnt_bytes1) <= data_out(cnt_bytes1) xor
cnt_bytes <= cnt_bytes1;

elsif(cnt_bytes = 90) then

data_out <= (others => '0');
cnt_bytes <= 0;
cnt_bytes1 <= 0;

data_out <= (others => '0');
cnt_bytes <= 0;
cnt_bytes1 <= 0;
end if;

data_out <= (others => '0');
cnt_bytes <= 0;
cnt_bytes1 <= 0;
end if;
end process;

dataout_b1 <= data_out(90); -- error --

what should i use for this code to work .......................... wrote:
hi i have a problem while using arrays.......

what should i use for this code to work ..........................
Maybe the declaration of cnt_bytes
does not match the array dimensions.
Once you learn simulation,
the trial and error process will go faster.

-- Mike Treseler
Type errors often have to do with how you use expressions.
Wrong number of indexes, use of slice where an index was intended, expression type different from the target type in an assignment,
operator does not exist in that context etc. etc.

What is the first error that shows up ?
Then please put that line in a posting, and give all the declarations for the identifiers mentioned in that line.


<> wrote in message
hi i have a problem while using arrays.......

i have a situation where i should convert serial data into parllel
data of 8bits serial bits are converted to i bytes like that i
need alltogether 90bytes.

i can able to convert serila dat to parllel data of 1byte each but i am
facing a problem while converting data of each bytes into array of 90
bytes... and then i have to do the xor operation on each and every bit
of the 90 bytes and store in one bye.

how can i avoide this error which i got while i am coding" type error
resolving index expression

code look like this:

********************************************* serila to parllel data


if (reset= '1') then

dataout <= '0';
temp_pout <= (others =>'0');

elsif(clk'event and clk ='1')then

if (cntr_frame >=0 and cntr_frame<719) then

temp_pout <= temp_pout(6 downto 0) & dataout;

elsif(cntr_frame = 719)then

temp_pout <= (others =>'0');
-- cntr_frame <= 0;
temp_pout <= (others =>'0');
-- cntr_frame <= 0;

end if;

temp_pout <= (others =>'0');
end if;
end process;

dataout_prll <= temp_pout;


process(reset, clk)
if(reset ='1') then

data_out <= (others => '0');
cnt_bytes <= 0;
cnt_bytes1 <= 0;
elsif(clk'event and clk = '1') then

if(cnt_bytes>=0 and cnt_bytes<90) then

data_out(cnt_bytes) <= dataout_prll; -- error-- //
incomplete type of assignment
cnt_bytes1 <= cnt_bytes+1;
data_out(cnt_bytes1) <= data_out(cnt_bytes1) xor
cnt_bytes <= cnt_bytes1;

elsif(cnt_bytes = 90) then

data_out <= (others => '0');
cnt_bytes <= 0;
cnt_bytes1 <= 0;

data_out <= (others => '0');
cnt_bytes <= 0;
cnt_bytes1 <= 0;
end if;

data_out <= (others => '0');
cnt_bytes <= 0;
cnt_bytes1 <= 0;
end if;
end process;

dataout_b1 <= data_out(90); -- error --

what should i use for this code to work ..........................
On Jan 26, 5:34 am, "Rob Dekker" <> wrote:
Type errors often have to do with how you use expressions.
Wrong number of indexes, use of slice where an index was intended, expression type different from the target type in an assignment,
operator does not exist in that context etc. etc.

What is the first error that shows up ?
Then please put that line in a posting, and give all the declarations for the identifiers mentioned in that line.


actually my problem is i have serial data of 19440 bits

1. i have to convert to parllel data of 8 bits each (one byte)
ie altogether 2340 bytes...............
2. i have to do the xor operation of the each bits of entier
2340 bytes (ie first byte.. xor with 2nd byte and 2nd byte with 3d
byte and so on upto 2340 bytes.......)
3. this value is stored in one 8bit register...... and that
value is delayed by 19440 bits..................

i have used the array of array logic and i am getting a probelm
regarding type conversion.......... i have done the logic design as
follows is my design logic is ok or i should follow another

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;

entity b1_sts3c is
clk : in std_logic;
reset : in std_logic;
data_serl : in std_logic;
B1_data : out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0)

end entity;

architecture b1_rtl of b1_sts3c is

signal cnt_frame : integer range 0 to 19439;
signal cnt_sts3c : integer range 0 to 2430;
signal data_temp : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal data_prll : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal framer : integer range 0 to 19439;

type data_frame is array(0 to 2429) of std_logic_vector(7 downto
signal data_sts :data_frame;

--**********************************serial to parllel
if(reset ='1') then

cnt_frame <= 0;
data_temp <= (others => '0');
elsif(clk'event and clk='1') then

if(cnt_frame >= 0 and cnt_frame <19439) then

data_temp <= data_temp(6 downto 0) & data_serl;
cnt_frame <= cnt_frame+1;
elsif(cnt_frame = 19439) then

data_temp <= (others => '0');
cnt_frame <= 0;
data_temp <= (others => '0');
cnt_frame <= 0;
end if;

data_temp <= (others => '0');
cnt_frame <= 0;

end if;
end process;
data_prll <= data_temp;

--**************************************************** BIP(B1)

if(reset ='1') then

B1_data <= (others =>'0');
data_sts <= (others =>(others =>'0'));
cnt_sts3c <= 0;

elsif(clk'event and clk= '1') then

if(cnt_sts3c =0) then
data_sts(cnt_sts3c)(7 downto 0) <= data_prll(7 downto 0);
cnt_sts3c <=1;
elsif(cnt_sts3c>0 and cnt_sts3c<2430) then

data_sts(cnt_sts3c)(7 downto 0) <= data_prll(7 downto 0);
data_sts(cnt_sts3c) <= data_sts(cnt_sts3c) xor
cnt_sts3c <= cnt_sts3c+1;

elsif(cnt_sts3c = 2430) then
cnt_sts3c <= 0;
cnt_sts3c <= 0;
data_sts <= (others =>(others =>'0'));

end if;

data_sts <= (others =>(others =>'0'));
cnt_sts3c <= 0;
end if;

end process;
B1_data <= data_sts(2429);

--**********************************************B1 value for next

if(reset =1)then
B1_data <= (others=> '0');
framer <= 0;
elsif(clk'event and clk = '1') then

if(framer>=0 and framer<19439) then
framer<= framer+1;
B1_data <= (others=>'0');
elsif(framer =19439) then

B1_data <= data_sts(2439);
framer <=0;
B1_data <= (others=>'0');
framer <=0;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end b1_rtl;

i am getting error as near type expecting
plz suggest me any other way of implementing this

On 29 jan, 06:54, ""
<> wrote:
signal cnt_frame : integer range 0 to 19439;
signal cnt_sts3c : integer range 0 to 2430;
signal data_temp : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal data_prll : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal framer : integer range 0 to 19439;
signal -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ?????

type data_frame is array(0 to 2429) of std_logic_vector(7 downto
signal data_sts :data_frame;
Is this a copy-paste problem, or do you actually have a line that only
contains the keyword "signal" ?

I don"t understand what you need to do. Do you need to keep all 2340
parity bytes, or do you only need a single parity byte that will be
valid at the end of the frame ? In the latter, you just need a single
8-bit vector.

sorry sir,

signal has come out accidently..................
1.what i wish to do is i have serial data which is of 19440 bytes
first i need to convert into parllel data of 2430 bytes....

2. then this 2430 bytes are "xor " each bit of all (2430) bytes
and the final value of suppose a1(2429) xor a1(2430) is a 8bit value
and that is stored in another 8 bit signal that is output.

for that i am facing a problem which i need to use for this
application whether i have to use multidimensional arrys

type data_frame is array(0 to 2429) of std_logic_vector(7 downto
0); --- or i have any other option.................. of solving

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;

entity b1_sts3c is
clk : in std_logic;
reset : in std_logic;
data_serl : in std_logic;
B1_data : out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0)

end entity;

architecture b1_rtl of b1_sts3c is

signal cnt_frame : integer range 0 to 19439;
signal cnt_sts3c : integer range 0 to 2430;
signal data_temp : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal data_prll : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal framer : integer range 0 to 19439;
type data_frame is array(0 to 2429) of std_logic_vector(7 downto
signal data_sts :data_frame;

--**********************************serial to parllel
if(reset ='1') then

cnt_frame <= 0;
data_temp <= (others => '0');
elsif(clk'event and clk='1') then

if(cnt_frame >= 0 and cnt_frame <19439) then

data_temp <= data_temp(6 downto 0) & data_serl;
cnt_frame <= cnt_frame+1;
elsif(cnt_frame = 19439) then

data_temp <= (others => '0');
cnt_frame <= 0;
data_temp <= (others => '0');
cnt_frame <= 0;
end if;

data_temp <= (others => '0');
cnt_frame <= 0;

end if;
end process;
data_prll <= data_temp;

if(reset ='1') then

B1_data <= (others =>'0');
data_sts <= (others =>(others =>'0'));
cnt_sts3c <= 0;

elsif(clk'event and clk= '1') then

if(cnt_sts3c =0) then
data_sts(cnt_sts3c)(7 downto 0) <= data_prll(7 downto 0);
cnt_sts3c <=1;
elsif(cnt_sts3c>0 and cnt_sts3c<2430) then

data_sts(cnt_sts3c)(7 downto 0) <= data_prll(7 downto 0);
data_sts(cnt_sts3c) <= data_sts(cnt_sts3c) xor
cnt_sts3c <= cnt_sts3c+1;

elsif(cnt_sts3c = 2430) then
cnt_sts3c <= 0;
cnt_sts3c <= 0;
data_sts <= (others =>(others =>'0'));

end if;

data_sts <= (others =>(others =>'0'));
cnt_sts3c <= 0;
end if;

end process;
B1_data <= data_sts(2429);

if(reset =1)then
B1_data <= (others=> '0');
framer <= 0;
elsif(clk'event and clk = '1') then

if(framer>=0 and framer<19439) then
framer<= framer+1;
B1_data <= (others=>'0');
elsif(framer =19439) then

B1_data <= data_sts(2439);
framer <=0;
B1_data <= (others=>'0');
framer <=0;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end b1_rtl;


On Jan 29, 12:23 pm, "Nicolas Matringe" <> wrote:
signal cnt_frame : integer range 0 to 19439;
signal cnt_sts3c : integer range 0 to 2430;
signal data_temp : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal data_prll : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal framer : integer range 0 to 19439;
signal -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ?????

type data_frame is array(0 to 2429) of std_logic_vector(7 downto
signal data_sts :data_frame;Is this a copy-paste problem, or do you actually have a line that only
contains the keyword "signal" ?

I don"t understand what you need to do. Do you need to keep all 2340
parity bytes, or do you only need a single parity byte that will be
valid at the end of the frame ? In the latter, you just need a single
8-bit vector.

On 29 jan, 09:22, ""
<> wrote:
signal has come out accidently..................
I just wanted to make sure.

1.what i wish to do is i have serial data which is of 19440 bytes
first i need to convert into parllel data of 2430 bytes....
This part seems fine.

2. then this 2430 bytes are "xor " each bit of all (2430) bytes
and the final value of suppose a1(2429) xor a1(2430) is a 8bit value
and that is stored in another 8 bit signal that is output.

for that i am facing a problem which i need to use for this
application whether i have to use multidimensional arrys
So why don't you juste compute the XOR on the fly ? I really don't
think you need to keep the whole frame in memory : the final (output)
result is a single byte that is the cascaded XOR of all the received
bytes, am I right ?
You just need to do something like
xor_acc <= xor_acc xor input_byte;
each time you receive a new byte and copy xor_acc to your output at
the end of the frame.


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