reg clock termination

I am newbie to pcb design and currently working on a design/layout of a
board. I have an external clock to my board coming through a SMA
connector and this one I am kinda doing a Y to split into two clocks to
go into separate buffers before routing to the corresponding chips. The
frequency I am dealing here is max of 20 MHz and rise times of 2-5ns.
And I am routing the signal on the board for a length of appx 1-2in. So
I guess I shouldnt have any transmission line effects. Now my question
is if I routing the main clock signal with a trace width of 10 mils,
what should be those individual traces with after Y ing (clk1 and clk2
traces width) ?

--------------- clk1
---------------- clk2

And I am just curious to know this, if I was dealing with high enough
frequency/rise times that my system here is considered as transmission
line. then assuming 50 ohms traces, is it right if i do a AC
termination close to the receiever with 100ohm and say 100 pF cap on
each clk(1 and 2) line? what happens to the width of the traces after Y
ing in this case. just curious to learn these things. thanks much
thanks ! yeah I am using a single solid ground plane under the signal
layer ... so I maintain all the traces at 10 mils even after the Y ?

Charlie Edmondson wrote: wrote:
I am newbie to pcb design and currently working on a design/layout
of a
board. I have an external clock to my board coming through a SMA
connector and this one I am kinda doing a Y to split into two
clocks to
go into separate buffers before routing to the corresponding chips.
frequency I am dealing here is max of 20 MHz and rise times of
And I am routing the signal on the board for a length of appx
1-2in. So
I guess I shouldnt have any transmission line effects. Now my
is if I routing the main clock signal with a trace width of 10
what should be those individual traces with after Y ing (clk1 and
traces width) ?

--------------- clk1
---------------- clk2

And I am just curious to know this, if I was dealing with high
frequency/rise times that my system here is considered as
line. then assuming 50 ohms traces, is it right if i do a AC
termination close to the receiever with 100ohm and say 100 pF cap
each clk(1 and 2) line? what happens to the width of the traces
after Y
ing in this case. just curious to learn these things. thanks much

Assuming that this is over a good ground plane, and there are not any

parallel traces that couple too easily, what you described should be
fine. This short a trace shouldn't have any tline effects, so, as
as everything is terminated, everyone should be happy.


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