Recovering code from ancient EPROMs and PLAs



Dear All,
I have to duplicate a board that was designed by our company 18 years
ago. It has 2732A EPROMs, 8086 and 8753 CPUs and an PLS101 PLA on it.
Unfortunately the old codes are lost.
Is it possible to recover code from the EPROMs and the PAL or do they
have code protection.
All kind of help will be appreciated.
As mentioned elsewhere the PAL in question has no internal registers,
so you can scan its truth table easily.

The eprom is similarly easy to read. A little trick - if you have an
older ethernet board with a socket for a boot rom, you have an eprom
reader. It's probably intended for a 2764 so you may have to do some
pinout translation, but it's a quick way to get the contents of a rom
without specialized hardware.

The 8086 has no internal memory. It's 16 bits wide so one eprom
probably contains even addresses and the other odd.

It's the 8753 that may be interesting.

Sure this thing isn't just a PC-XT clone? If so, the 8753 is probably
just providing the standard keyboard controller function.

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