I Have used the modular design with handel C to create full and
partial bitstreams for the Celoxiaca RC1000 and it works.
Unfortunately i dont know how to download my designs on the Celoxica
board. Does
anyone have experience on using partial bitstream on the RC1000 board
Virtex 2000 E ?
In the past i used JBits to download partial bitstreams on the RC1000
Virtex 1000. Since JBits does not support Virtex E, i will like to
know which
functions to use and how to use them.
I will highly appreciate it, if i could have a small example.
told me at celoxica to use their SetSelectMapChanel funtion. But
nobody could
tell me there how to use this function. I implemented a function to
read my
bitstream in a buffer and then to downlod the content of the buffer
using DMA
functions together with the SetSelectMapChannel.
Now i have a new problem:
I'm able to downlod a first bistream. Whenever i try to download a new
bitstream, the first remain inside and i cannot reconfigure the device
with a
new bitstream.
Can someone knows where the problem could be?
Kind Regards
Christophe Bobda
partial bitstreams for the Celoxiaca RC1000 and it works.
Unfortunately i dont know how to download my designs on the Celoxica
board. Does
anyone have experience on using partial bitstream on the RC1000 board
Virtex 2000 E ?
In the past i used JBits to download partial bitstreams on the RC1000
Virtex 1000. Since JBits does not support Virtex E, i will like to
know which
functions to use and how to use them.
I will highly appreciate it, if i could have a small example.
told me at celoxica to use their SetSelectMapChanel funtion. But
nobody could
tell me there how to use this function. I implemented a function to
read my
bitstream in a buffer and then to downlod the content of the buffer
using DMA
functions together with the SetSelectMapChannel.
Now i have a new problem:
I'm able to downlod a first bistream. Whenever i try to download a new
bitstream, the first remain inside and i cannot reconfigure the device
with a
new bitstream.
Can someone knows where the problem could be?
Kind Regards
Christophe Bobda