Anyone have personal experience of a robust, portable AM, FM, Shortwave
Something I can use west of WoopWoop?
Has anyone seen (and heard) one of those wind-up radios?
I have had a small Toshiba (AM FM no shortwave) for ten years and it is
remarkable. Four AA batteries that I can recharge with a little solar
charger when I am in the wilds. If I could scale it up it would be ideal.
Battery size is a consideration. (Four metal hydride D cells is about $100)
Something I can use west of WoopWoop?
Has anyone seen (and heard) one of those wind-up radios?
I have had a small Toshiba (AM FM no shortwave) for ten years and it is
remarkable. Four AA batteries that I can recharge with a little solar
charger when I am in the wilds. If I could scale it up it would be ideal.
Battery size is a consideration. (Four metal hydride D cells is about $100)