reccomendations for a cheap (less than $100) soldering stati



Hi - I'd like to get a soldering station. Unfortunately - I'm a student so
I have very little spare cash lying around. I was looking at the Hakko 936
soldering station: What do you think?
And is it necessary to get an ESD safe one? Most of the work I do is in
soldering together 2.5mm pitch PCBs, though I also do some much finer pitch
surface mount work. I don't do anything heavy duty - so I don't need a
soldering iron that can do it either. I've been using a radioshack 15/30W
iron for a couple years now - and it has worked our surprisingly well - but
still I'd like to get something better. Any reccomenadations? Thanks!

I have the Hakko 936 and I think it works very well. Thumbs up here at my
shop - it's on 40 hours a week and been in service for almost a year. Tips
hold up as well - maybe even better than Weller. If you are working with
static sensitive stuff - get the ESD safe although the salesman that sold
mine to me (not the ESD safe model) said it actually was ESD safe but not
certified as such whatever that means??

BTW Look at Circuit - I think they are selling these with a
different name on them for quite a bit less $.

"Michael" <> wrote in message
Hi - I'd like to get a soldering station. Unfortunately - I'm a student so
I have very little spare cash lying around. I was looking at the Hakko 936
soldering station: What do you think?
And is it necessary to get an ESD safe one? Most of the work I do is in
soldering together 2.5mm pitch PCBs, though I also do some much finer
surface mount work. I don't do anything heavy duty - so I don't need a
soldering iron that can do it either. I've been using a radioshack 15/30W
iron for a couple years now - and it has worked our surprisingly well -
still I'd like to get something better. Any reccomenadations? Thanks!


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