Hi - I'd like to get a soldering station. Unfortunately - I'm a student so
I have very little spare cash lying around. I was looking at the Hakko 936
soldering station: http://www.kiesub.com/hakko936.htm. What do you think?
And is it necessary to get an ESD safe one? Most of the work I do is in
soldering together 2.5mm pitch PCBs, though I also do some much finer pitch
surface mount work. I don't do anything heavy duty - so I don't need a
soldering iron that can do it either. I've been using a radioshack 15/30W
iron for a couple years now - and it has worked our surprisingly well - but
still I'd like to get something better. Any reccomenadations? Thanks!
I have very little spare cash lying around. I was looking at the Hakko 936
soldering station: http://www.kiesub.com/hakko936.htm. What do you think?
And is it necessary to get an ESD safe one? Most of the work I do is in
soldering together 2.5mm pitch PCBs, though I also do some much finer pitch
surface mount work. I don't do anything heavy duty - so I don't need a
soldering iron that can do it either. I've been using a radioshack 15/30W
iron for a couple years now - and it has worked our surprisingly well - but
still I'd like to get something better. Any reccomenadations? Thanks!