Murray R. Van Luyn
I'm looking for a Realtek 16bit ISA network card with a RTL8019AS controller
chip. Anyone got one they would be willing to part with for a few bucks?
I'm in Perth, W.A. E-mail me at vanluynm@NOSPAM.iinet.net.au (without the
NOSPAM) or ring me on 9354 1375 if you think you can help.
Murray R. Van Luyn.
I'm looking for a Realtek 16bit ISA network card with a RTL8019AS controller
chip. Anyone got one they would be willing to part with for a few bucks?
I'm in Perth, W.A. E-mail me at vanluynm@NOSPAM.iinet.net.au (without the
NOSPAM) or ring me on 9354 1375 if you think you can help.
Murray R. Van Luyn.