Reading .txt file

Hi everybody,
iam trying to read a .txt file of binary type(32*128) to store its
contants to A ROM of 32 bit wordlenght and address lenght of 128. i
used the function readline and read, the function read in : readline
(in_rom, in_line); read(in_line, in_item);is reading each item in the
readed line and assigning varaiable in_item to one bit of the 32
bit_vector(the readed line). In A meanwhile i want the whole 32 bit in
each line or row to be assigned to one 32 bit data varaible so i can
assign later this variable to it's address position.
please, if somebody can tell me how to declare a varaiable containg 32
bit read in the whole line in a while read function reads just one item
in the 32 bit line buffer. Or if you have already a file that you use
it to read file to rom contant, i will be tahnkful if you supply with.
best regards haitham
thanks in advance.

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