I would like to pipe (UNIX pipe) inputs into my simulation e.g.:
'gunzip -c inputs.gz | ncsim -batch testbench'
where the testbench reads in lines of input:
while not endfile(input) loop
readline(F=>input, L=>line);
end loop;
However, the simulation never reads in any input but says the file cannot be
opened for reading. Used named pipes in the file system (again UNIX-specific)
works for a bit but eventually returns the same error.
The previous simulator I used (vhdlsim, from synopsys) did not have trouble
reading from the named pipes but I never tried to pipe in inputs with it. Is
there any way to get one of the two (pipe or named pipe) working with ncsim
(cadence simulator)?
Since reading from these will look like reading from real files (since no seeks
should be attempted for the sequential case), I do not see any fundamental
reason why it should not work, but it isn't. Uncompressing inputs.gz will take
up more space than is available (several sets of inputs.gz) to use it directly
in the readline.
I would like to pipe (UNIX pipe) inputs into my simulation e.g.:
'gunzip -c inputs.gz | ncsim -batch testbench'
where the testbench reads in lines of input:
while not endfile(input) loop
readline(F=>input, L=>line);
end loop;
However, the simulation never reads in any input but says the file cannot be
opened for reading. Used named pipes in the file system (again UNIX-specific)
works for a bit but eventually returns the same error.
The previous simulator I used (vhdlsim, from synopsys) did not have trouble
reading from the named pipes but I never tried to pipe in inputs with it. Is
there any way to get one of the two (pipe or named pipe) working with ncsim
(cadence simulator)?
Since reading from these will look like reading from real files (since no seeks
should be attempted for the sequential case), I do not see any fundamental
reason why it should not work, but it isn't. Uncompressing inputs.gz will take
up more space than is available (several sets of inputs.gz) to use it directly
in the readline.