I want to read and write into a buffer from another module without
first reading/writing it onto a port. Find my code snipet below-
module ABC ( clock ,
reset ,
InData ,
OutData ,
// Port Declarations
reg buff1[0:15][0:15];
reg buff2[0:15][0:15];
I want to write into buff1 from output of a verilog module, reorder
bits into buff2 and then pass it on to another module.
I could combine the three modules together which i want to avoid for
I also could write it to a port and then read from it- which will
waste unnecessary resources and clock cycles.
Any suggestions ?
I want to read and write into a buffer from another module without
first reading/writing it onto a port. Find my code snipet below-
module ABC ( clock ,
reset ,
InData ,
OutData ,
// Port Declarations
reg buff1[0:15][0:15];
reg buff2[0:15][0:15];
I want to write into buff1 from output of a verilog module, reorder
bits into buff2 and then pass it on to another module.
I could combine the three modules together which i want to avoid for
I also could write it to a port and then read from it- which will
waste unnecessary resources and clock cycles.
Any suggestions ?